Nightmares In Pregnancy

Nightmares in pregnancy can be caused by the accumulation of emotions that the mother feels before bringing her little one into the world. What can you do to cope?
Nightmares in pregnancy

Having nightmares in pregnancy or experiencing frights at night can be a cause for concern for expectant mothers. This is not a strange situation; many women report disturbing dreams more regularly than normal.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that, during the gestation period, feelings are on the surface and there is a greater psychic sensitivity. Pregnant women experience great happiness for the arrival of the baby and, at the same time, they feel a host of fears and insecurities; Concerns about what the time of birth will be, if he will arrive in good health and even the role of mother are some of them.

Causes of nightmares in pregnancy

The worries, memories and even the situations that are experienced during the day are mixed with the hormonal and emotional changes typical of pregnancy, which directly influence the quality of sleep.

This increases as the due date approaches and the desire for everything to go smoothly ; Wanting the baby to be born without problems makes the third trimester the period in which nightmares in pregnancy can become more recurrent.

These dreams are not random. These are constructions made by the subconscious of our fears and insecurities that, in that moment of such sensitivity, surface and are reflected in the form of nightmares.

All this is generating in the future mother questions regarding her capacity as a woman in the face of the new role to be exercised, the conditions in which her son will come and the radical change that her life is having at that time.

Thus, even though each woman’s experience is unique, most pregnancy nightmares represent the mother’s fear of a new and important stage in her life.

Nightmares in pregnancy are as common as trouble sleeping at this stage.

What can these nightmares mean?

  • Doubts or concerns regarding the time of giving birth or about the correct development and well-being of the baby.
  • Insecurities about the capacities and responsibilities to face this new role as a mother.
  • Memories of emotions experienced during her days as a daughter.
  • Painful situations stored in the unconscious,  which are awakened by these new changes in your life.
  • Fears about the emotional or economic future with your partner with the arrival of the baby.

Likewise, it is important to note that your partner or old relationships can be another recurring element in dreams, a product of anxiety and changes in your body —  fear of being less attractive.

One of the main symptoms is the acceleration of both breathing and heartbeat ; This creates a feeling of restlessness that may prevent you from returning to sleep for fear of having another nightmare.

But there is no need to worry; nightmares in pregnancy are normal and do not involve any health problems for the baby or the mother.  These express only concerns that every woman can feel when facing this important stage of her life.

What can you do if you experience nightmares in pregnancy?

  • It is always advisable to discuss it with someone you trust:  partner, friends or family who can help you discover the origin of the discomfort that is reflected in the dream and alleviate all worries.
  • Go to a specialist to stay informed of the physical processes that occur, both for you and the baby, during pregnancy.  This will help you feel secure knowing that everything is flowing normally.
Nightmares in pregnancy can affect a woman's sleep.
  • For a better rest, it is always advisable to eat lightly at night to avoid possible heartburn or stomach heaviness when sleeping; It is also not good to drink caffeinated drinks that affect your sleep.
  • Sleep medications should be avoided;  these are contraindicated during pregnancy. If you still think that you may require a drug, you should discuss it with a specialist.

Even after the baby arrives,  the nightmares may recur, as some feelings of insecurity may still be present. No need to worry, this will decrease over time.

The mystery of dreams will always be very interesting for us. In future mothers, surely they will not always be nightmares in pregnancy; Most likely, the idealization of the new life with his little one will steal the spotlight from his encounters with Morpheus.

Perhaps today you have a bad night, but once with your child in your arms, you will know that your most precious dream has come true.

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