Positions For Putting A Newborn Baby To Sleep

Newborns take special care, their body is still very fragile! In this article you will learn the best way to put them to bed without posing a risk to them.
Positions for putting a newborn baby to sleep

One of the most common concerns of new mothers is the correct way to put their little ones to sleep during the first weeks of life. Keep reading and we will help you overcome all your doubts.

The first thing to clarify is that there is no perfect and unobjectionable way to put our offspring to sleep.

Remember that each child is different and that you have to take into account some factors such as the weather, whether it is hot or cold; if the child suffers from gastric reflux, if he is healthy or has any discomfort; if the space in which he sleeps is his parents’ bed or is it a crib or a basket.

Specialists belonging to the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics maintain that during the first six months of life, it is best to lay the infant on his back.

They even claim that this position called supine decubitus is safer than placing him face down or on his side.

Your pediatrician will help you decide the best way to put your baby to bed. However, the conditions surrounding a newborn’s bedtime are varied.

Regarding this, the pediatrician will ask you some questions to help you decide what is the most convenient way to ensure that your baby has sweet dreams.

Faced with frequent doubts, we decided to include the most common alternatives so that moms can decide together with the doctors what is best for their little ones.

Supine position

By this we mean sleeping on your back. This is the position most recommended by pediatricians, based on scientific studies that have shown that this is the safest way while the baby sleeps.

In the event that the newborn suffers from gastric reflux, some doctors recommend mothers to purchase a special mattress with a 45-degree incline, to avoid complications with the baby during their sleeping hours.

Prone position

Prone position means placing the baby on his tummy. Although some moms believe that babies sleep more comfortably this way, there are some pediatricians who question this method.

Taking into account the controversies that have been woven around this position for newborns, it is recommended to implement it only in the hours of the baby’s nap, because during the day the mothers, fathers or the caregiver may be continuously monitoring the baby’s sleep. small.

Lateral decubitus position

Most mothers consider that the best option is to lay their babies on their side, because it gives them greater comfort and security.

In this regard, specialists point out that if this position is chosen, it is worth it for the moms to lift and stretch the baby’s arm that is next to the mattress, in order to prevent them from turning on themselves and lying face down.

About co-sleeping, coats and pillows

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If you are one of the moms who practice co-sleeping, then you should talk with your partner about the measures they should take to ensure the safety of the baby when all three are asleep.

In these cases, the usual thing is for the baby to sleep in the middle of the bed, next to mom and dad, so it is recommended to wrap up half the body so that the baby is not under any blanket.

Parents should also try to sleep on their side, always facing the center of the bed. It is not recommended that either of you turn your back on the baby.

Wait until the baby is two years old to provide a pillow.

What is the correct way to keep them warm when sleeping?

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This answer depends on the season of the year. If it is winter, it is advisable to take the necessary care and dress them with special one-piece overalls to withstand the low temperatures.

When it comes to such young children, this option is better than blankets or blankets.

If it is summer, then you prefer cotton clothes that are cooler and more comfortable for the baby.

Another frequently asked question among new moms is whether babies should sleep on pillows.

Pediatricians agree that it is better to wait until he is two years old, until then it will be better to clear the crib of any pillow or stuffed animal at bedtime.

With this information you will see that it is easier than you think to contribute to an optimal rest for your baby.

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