Raising Happy Children Even In Times Of Crisis

It seems that raising happy children in times of crisis and with little money is not easy … but let’s remember that money does not bring happiness.
Raising Happy Children Even in Times of Crisis

The society in which we live has made it very difficult to raise happy children without money, since part of the needs are based on the influence generated around them rather than within the family. The joy of parenting is greater than any worry, yet the responsibility of having a child is also an unavoidable emotion, especially when it comes to financial matters.

But, it is good to know that it is possible to achieve the well-being and happiness of the family without exaggerating expenses and even without having to spend anything. In this aspect, the main thing is love, planning and a positive attitude; If we manage to adjust our budget from the first months, the child will have the opportunity to adapt to the situation without affecting him.

Remember that children nurture their experiences with the help of the stimuli they perceive in the family, so that it is our attitude that will reveal to them whether there is lack or abundance. That is, if we do not explain it to them, the children may not know if the financial problems persist or if a decision has been made.


How to raise happy children without money?

To begin, it is necessary to have a solid formation in values, through which we can  transmit to our children that happiness does not have to be in material matters. Teaching the little ones to value the free things in life, has lifetime guarantees and facilitates parenting in times of crisis.

However, there is no exact recipe to achieve this, so each family must be creative to educate in their own way. Some tips that might work in this case are as follows.

  • It is convenient to avoid having conversations or possible disputes about financial problems happening in front of the children. In any case, if it is done, let us try to make it calm and with a motivating intention to solve the problem.
  • It develops the creativity of the child, for this we must be the main creators of responses and improvisers of tools.
  • Family unity instills a lot of confidence in children. That is why it is advisable to meet to eat together and also to join us all in the tasks related to the preparation of food.
  • Let us teach our children to value and be grateful for all that they have. To earn everything they receive, from a young age a child can learn rules of coexistence and courtesy that will make him a good citizen.
  • Keeping them busy in pleasant and simple things will avoid the usual demand for toys, trips and expensive visits. Let’s organize outings to public places, where the little ones can drain energy and share with the family, without having to spend a lot of money.
  • Toys made at home with recycled material, in addition to uniting the family, allow children to value more the result and provide a lot of stimulation to their children’s imagination.
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  • A pet that does not require many expenses and is easy to care for. It is a very valuable gift and it is also a useful idea to keep the kids busy. This also forms them in the responsibility of providing vital care to a living being.
  • Let’s take advantage of all the elements available in the kitchen, to create inexpensive and fun recipes. Little ones may prefer treats, but they can’t always be bought. That is why it is preferable to improvise with fruit sorbets, popcorn, juices and everyday foods transformed in a fun way.
  • Let’s teach them to take advantage of all the resources they have ; take care of the pencils, manage the glue, use the sheets on both sides and do not exchange their things with other children, to ensure that they do not lose them.
  • Let us establish precise rules to generate savings in the consumption of electricity and water : short showers, special hours to watch television or use the computer.
  • Let’s try to hide the fear that being in financial crisis generates, because it is preferable that children are not contaminated with our stress.
  • Let’s avoid denying him things for lack of money, instead, let’s replace the negative phrase with a positive one: let’s give him a new idea.

    It is very important that we remain optimistic and do not set strict rules; Although part of the goal is to save money, the ultimate goal is for them to grow up as happy children. Those limitations must be agreed upon, that the children have reflected on the proposals that are made in the family and that they are not only impositions.

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