Recommended Amount Of Milk According To The Baby’s Age

Although there is a standard amount according to age, this can vary from one baby to another, since each organism is different. 
Recommended amount of milk according to the baby's age

Depending on the age of the baby, it will be advisable to drink a certain amount of milk, be it maternal or artificial. It is well known that, in general, they seek to suck their mother’s breast until they are satisfied, but it is important for the mother to monitor the intake to avoid inconveniences to the baby (derived from excess).

In view of the fact that babies must be fed several times in a row, the mother must watch over the process to avoid that in a single feeding they are too full and then they do not want to eat more.

Breast milk and formula

During the first 6 months of life, the ideal is to exclusively provide breast milk to the baby. It should be noted that, in these cases, there is no exact amount that must be given; therefore, it becomes a matter of paying attention to the baby’s needs. Now, in the case of feeding the baby with a bottle, there are recommended amounts of milk. 

In one feeding, one or both breasts are usually emptied. The feeding should last approximately 10 minutes, since the baby takes about 5 minutes to consume the milk and another 5 to express the final milk of the feeding. Also keep in mind that some children are faster than others to suck.


If you are an adoptive mother or cannot feed breast milk for medical reasons, formula milk will be the best ally. On the other hand, if you drink breast milk from the bottle, you must control how much you drink.

Recommended amount of milk, according to age 

On the other hand, as the baby grows, you should watch the amount of milk the baby drinks to make sure he is feeding properly and maintaining a healthy weight. Therefore, it will be useful to know what are the amounts recommended by specialists:

For babies 0-2 months of age

They typically consume 2-4 ounces with each serving at 3-4 hour intervals;  some do it in 4-5 hours. If necessary, you can wake the baby to feed him.

Babies 3 to 6 months of age

During this stage, babies consume approximately 4 to 6 ounces each time they eat. Sleeping periods at night are likely to be prolonged, with some even sleeping through the night. If this is the case with your child, you should no longer wake him up to eat.

You may notice in your child some gestures that show that you are giving him the recommended amount of milk according to the baby's age.

Feeding babies 7 to 12 months

Your baby can drink 3 to 5 bottles a day, which is equivalent to 8 ounces of milk each time you feed him. If she already eats other types of foods, you can allow more time between meals to give her a bottle.

From 12 months, you can substitute formula milk for animal (cow) milk if your pediatrician authorizes it. The amount of this milk can be 2 glasses a day; You can also supplement with natural yogurt.

How do you know if the baby is taking the right amount?

You may notice in the baby some gestures that show that you are giving him the recommended amount of milk according to his age. One of the signs that he has had enough milk is when he closes his mouth or turns when you bring the bottle to him.

You can also fall asleep when you finish eating; here, your body will look relaxed. Other signs are the number of times the child feeds, weight gain, the number of times the diaper is wet, and bowel movements ; These should occur 3 to 4 times a day.

Presentation of formula milk

There are 3 types of presentation of this type of milk, which many children need to get used to due to different circumstances. They are as follows:

  • Ready to use : this milk is very practical, as it does not require preparation, although it is more expensive on the market.
  • Liquid and concentrated : you have to mix one part of liquid milk with an equal amount of water.
  • Powdered : 2 ounces of water are mixed with a tablespoon of powdered milk. This milk is the most recommended, as it keeps longer after opening. In addition, it is the most economical.
  • There are special formulas for children with specific needs, such as formulas for reflux and others for premature or low-birth-weight babies. There are also special soy-based, hypoallergenic and other formulas for babies with heart disease.

    These milks contain multiple nutrients similar to breast milk. Therefore, they help to strengthen the immune system. 

    Feeding your little one the recommended amount of milk for the baby's age is part of satisfying one of your top priorities as parents.

    Formula milk allergy symptoms

    Some signs of allergies are  red and rough rashes on both the face and the anus. The baby may also have diarrhea or constipation; in some cases, these bowel movements are rare and very compact.

    At other times, the baby becomes irritated and cries after eating or, directly, vomits after meals. Sometimes the little one manifests restlessness to sleep at night. If you present several of these symptoms, it is advisable to stop the milk and go to the pediatrician.

    To provide the baby with adequate nutrition, it is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions and always consult with the professional before acting.

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