Recommended Diet For Gastroenteritis In Children

During the processes of gastroenteritis it is necessary to restrict foods rich in fat that make digestion difficult.
Recommended diet for gastroenteritis in children

Gastroenteritis is usually an intestinal inflammation. Like so many other diseases, it can also occur in children. In these cases, it is advisable to take certain care to facilitate recovery. Therefore, we present what the recommended diet for gastroenteritis in children consists of.

Every infant can get stomachaches from time to time. Some may be constipated, while diarrhea, fever, or vomiting are also likely to occur.

However, if these ailments recur with some frequency, the condition may be more significant than we think. All – except constipation – can be symptoms of gastroenteritis, so we must be alert and consult with the doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of gastroenteritis in children

Although it can appear in any season of the year, gastroenteritis in children is more common during the spring and summer. Most of these conditions are caused by viruses.

However, they can also find their trigger in other factors such as the following:

  • Bacterial infection: it can be due to a poorly washed bottle or contact with other children. The most common are salmonella and campylobacter.
  • Food allergy: Some foods can go bad and cause problems in the digestive system.
  • Inflammatory diseases

Although they do not occur often in young children, gastroenteritis can also be caused by ulcerative colitis, hyperthyroidism, and Crohn’s disease, among other disorders.

Can it be prevented?

The truth is, there aren’t too many precautions to take. When dealing with viruses and bacteria, the best we can do is reinforce hygiene measures in these times. As for rotavirus, one of its causes, vaccines are applied to immunize its child at two, four and six months.

Also, when it comes to food, it will be better to avoid raw foods and foods that are not so old. In the same way, if you are going to give fruits, they are peeled.

Gastroenteritis causes vomiting, stomach pain, and fever.

Recommended diet for gastroenteritis in children

Next, we will dwell on some points that should be considered when it comes to the recommended diet for gastroenteritis in children.

1. Hydration is essential

Given the aforementioned symptoms, this disease can lead to dehydration. In fact, it is a very worrisome infant mortality factor in developing countries, according to a study published in 2019. 

Dehydration can be detected if the child is urinating little, his lips are dry, and his eyes are sunken. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly hydrate it. If he is still of lactation age, the breast should be offered every hour to an hour and a half.

On the other hand, if it is already a child, at the beginning it is necessary to offer him oral rehydration serum in small quantities, so that he does not vomit again. As the hours go by, you can return to water consumption.

2. Replace the solid with the soft

The digestive system is in an abnormal situation, in which it will not be able to process food as usual. Therefore, bland foods abound in the recommended diet for gastroenteritis in children.

Of course, there are certain foods that must be totally eliminated from the diet for at least five days. These are:

  • Fats
  • Fried foods.
  • Dairy products.
  • Candies.
  • Acidic products.

Rice water is a great first choice to start your recovery. Among its benefits, we find its easy digestibility, its starch content that allows the recovery of irritated stomach and intestines and natural sugars, which restore lost energy.

Likewise, lactose-free yogurts can be good too. These serve for the recovery of the intestinal flora, in addition to providing nutrients that collaborate in the elimination of infections. They are not advisable until the vomiting and diarrhea are gone. However, from this moment on they can help to replace the damaged intestinal flora, according to a study published in the journal “Advances in Nutrition”.

3. Gradually return to normal eating

With proper medication and care, your child will regain his appetite sooner or later. However, the return to daily eating cannot happen suddenly, although you should not wait too long to start it.

The recommended diet for gastroenteritis in children includes soft foods.

Instead, you should first incorporate nutritious and easy-to-digest meals. Toasts are very good here, slow-digesting carbohydrates like pasta — without sauce — and rice.

Of course, fruits cannot be absent. You can even puree to start with semi-solid meals your return to normal life. Try to avoid the sweetest ones and juices; it also leaves out those with a laxative effect, such as plums and kiwis.

Finally, you can reincorporate the meats in small portions — preferably chicken and fish — accompanied by vegetables and eggs. If he responds well, in a few days the little one will be able to resume his usual rhythm of life.

Use the diet for the management of gastroenteritis

As you can see, the recommended diet for gastroenteritis in children plays an important role in recovery. Try to take the necessary care and be attentive that the symptoms diminish little by little. If this doesn’t happen, see your doctor.

Remember that one of the most important factors in this process is hydration. Therefore, you have to be attentive to any symptoms that indicate that the amount of water in your child’s body is not correct.

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