Summer Care For Your Child

Summer care for your child

The beautiful days lead to greater enjoyment of the outdoors for any little one, who is thus filled with energy. Good weather gives way to countless moments of relaxation and fun, but it is imperative to maintain a series of summer care for your child.

Well, on the one hand, the sun emits solar radiation that can be very harmful to our children, causing burns (redness or blisters). On the other hand, high temperatures can lead to heat stroke and dehydration, and even severe skin diseases.

Therefore, in this article we show you the summer care for your child in order to avoid the consequences of heat combined with sun exposure for long periods of time. Pay attention!

The little ones are more exposed to the sun and, therefore, to the heat during the summer, with the consequent increase in sweating. That is why it is imperative to consider the following summer care so that your child does not suffer from heat stroke, dehydration, heat stroke or other problems associated with this time.

Sun exposure

The summer sun is the cause of one of the headaches of every mother since heatstroke and sunburn are increasingly common. To avoid this, it is suggested to walk the baby first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon, with softer sunlight and a less suffocating thermal sensation.

The recommended hours for sun exposure are before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m., even on cloudy days, as ultraviolet rays penetrate the clouds and cause severe skin burns. Remember that both the cumulative effect of the sun and intense exposure for short periods predispose to skin cancer.

Do not forget that specialists recommend not exposing babies under six months to the sun since they can suffer burns and heat stroke. At one year of the baby, you can use sunscreens with a high level of protection, preferably those that contain titanium dioxide.

You should distribute the sunscreen along the baby’s body, including the face and ears, half an hour before exposing it to the sun. Experts also advise putting it back in every two hours, or every time the child gets wet.


Heatstroke and hydration

The summer heat causes children to lose a lot of water, running the risk of dehydration. For this reason, doctors suggest that they have to drink and hydrate a lot, preferably with water or oral rehydration salts.

Consequently, among the fundamental summer care is hydration. If the baby is breastfeeding, it is not necessary to give him fluids, although it is not contraindicated either. However, in such a case it is vital that the mother ingest fruits and vegetables, in addition to drinking at least two liters of water per day.

Now, if the baby is fed with formula or other milk, it is necessary to offer the least water and fresh fruits. Pay attention to summer care related to clothing: light-colored cotton garments and a hat should be the order of the day.

Other summer care for your child


One of the summer cares related to eating is not forcing children to eat. In addition, you can offer them seasonal fruits and vegetables rich in water, as well as supply carbohydrates to spend on their physical activity.

Ice creams are usually a good and nutritious option, even more so if we make them at home with milk, eggs and fruit, with which we provide a complete, healthy diet without dyes. Let them enjoy them at this time!


Immersion accidents

Among the most moving and regrettable red chronicles, we can see every summer that many children die after falling into swimming pools in houses and countries. Even those cases that fortunately do not reach the press because they have a happy ending represent a great scare for the family.

Therefore, one of the summer cares for your child is the extreme vigilance of the adult while your child is in or near the water. Consider that very young children can drown even in a few inches of water, such as in plastic and inflatable pools.

Make sure that the bathtubs and sinks are empty after using them and do not forget to remove the toys that are inside the pool once the activity is finished, because some accidents originate when the boy returns to the place to look for a toy that was floating in the pool. herself.

Mosquitoes and other insects

One of the summer cares has to do with the prevention of mosquito bites, which is based on the application of creams or lotions with Citronella on the baby’s skin or repellants in the case of children over 2 years of age. .

In the case of closed environments, continuous action electrical repellants are recommended, such as devices that use tablets or liquid. The use of sprays and spirals may require more care, especially with children at home.

To prevent insect bites in your child, follow these additional tips:

  • Avoid brightly colored clothing and perfumes when you are outdoors.
  • Use the body repellants recommended by your trusted pediatrician.
  • Put mosquito nets on the windows of the children’s room.
  • Always have an antihistamine cream on hand to relieve itching.

Beware of mushrooms

Do not miss one of the summer care forgotten by parents but that is just as important as the previous ones. During the summer, the cases of fungal infections (mycosis) that affect the skin, nails and mucous membranes increase considerably.

You can write down these basic guidelines to prevent your child from getting infected:

  • That the child always wear footwear to walk along the edge of swimming pools or in public showers.
  • Teach your child to maintain good foot hygiene and to dry well between the toes.
  • That the boy’s footwear favors the ventilation of the feet.

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