Surprise: You Are Pregnant!

If you have become pregnant and you were not expecting it, do not put yourself in the worst! It can end up being the best of the gifts that life throws you.
Surprise: You are pregnant!

One of the best moments a woman can experience is when she finds out that she is expecting a baby, but what happens when the pregnancy is unplanned and the news hits us like an ice water bath?   Below we will give you some recommendations to assimilate with serenity this gift of life and how to prepare yourself for the inescapable changes.
An unplanned pregnancy is not the end of the world. On the contrary, if you are pregnant it is the beginning of a new life that will transform us into what we call: mom. It may be a surprise but it will be your best gift.

Breathe and think positive

Although the challenge promises to be difficult, women are designed to undertake such an important project. It will cost some more effort than others, but ultimately we are all capable of assuming the responsibility of taking care of a baby and later, of raising children correctly.

So if you are pregnant, don’t panic. Take a deep breath and imagine that in just a few months you will have in your arms a little person whom you will love without reservations or conditions. Although it is true that the pregnancy took you by surprise, you still have a few months to organize the arrival of the baby along with what it will need for its first months of life.

Take advantage of the pregnancy to organize little by little everything you need and welcome the baby. You must encourage yourself and assume that a child is a gift of life, that there is no reason to worry. Whether you have a partner or are single, you must be sure that everything will go well.

If you are married and pregnant

If you and your husband planned to wait longer to conceive a child, because they wanted to finish their university degrees, study a master, or travel around the world. They need not be terrified. Having a child does not prevent you from putting aside all your plans. Of course, priorities change and are focused on the new member of the family, but little by little they will be able to fulfill the goals that they had set before their birth.

you are pregnant

Together with your partner, you can talk about everything you dream about the birth of the baby, and evaluate the budget of both to know which of those illusions can come true. The anxiety they may experience can be the perfect ally to take care of the best project of their lives: parenthood.

The illusion and the nerves will serve to unite them more. Take advantage of this last time as a couple, before becoming a family. You have to dedicate time to each other and to strengthen their love with details and pampering. Remember that in a short time the baby will be the center of the universe and the time as a couple will decrease significantly.

If you are single and pregnant

You should not feel sorry if you are single and become pregnant. This is not a crime or sin, as it can be an interruption of pregnancy of your own free will. A pregnancy does not suppose any misfortune, and must be assumed as a crucial opportunity to act in the correct way, according to the principles and values ​​of being educators of good men and women.

Your family and friends will be your strength in this beautiful stage. In these cases, the help of your loved ones is essential. In this sense, do not hesitate to stay close to those you love so that you feel supported at all times. 

It is possible that your family when hearing the news act with a little suspicion. That there are even claims, but that commotion will pass in no time, and as soon as they see your belly grow, they will go out of their way to pamper you and once the baby is born. They will dedicate themselves to loving and caring for him. So your bastion will be your family and your closest friends. At no time can you allow yourself to feel helpless or miserable.

Face motherhood with serenity

You must face motherhood from joy, because your emotional state directly affects the baby growing in your womb. In that sense, it is a good idea to accept all the help that they offer you. If your economic situation is very tight, do not hesitate to accept the crib that your aunt can lend you or the baby trousseau that your best friend has kept.

Everything that they put at your disposal you must accept it and put the shame aside. The key is that you think about the well-being of your baby. You must assume that there is no going back and you are pregnant so do not invest your energy thinking about how your life without children will no longer be. Focus on getting a glimpse of what you can do for that new love.

Try looking for information on the Internet, attending prenatal courses or asking for psychological help if you think you need it. Being a mother is the pinnacle in the life of any woman who will know that she is on the right track when she has the smile and hug of her son before her eyes.

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