Teach Your Child The Importance Of Anniversaries

It is important that the little ones get used to celebrating anniversaries as a family. These celebrations are a wonderful opportunity to transmit love and affection.
Teach your child the importance of anniversaries

The importance of anniversaries lies in the emotional significance they have for both the person being honored and for those around him.

Anniversaries exist because everything in life has a beginning or is defined on a specific date.

In fact, they were invented so as not to overlook values, people, feelings, events, etc.

Teach your child the importance of anniversaries and how much they are worth to celebrate as a family.

The importance of anniversaries: what days should we celebrate?

The Mother’s Day

Celebrating anniversaries is rewarding as long as you have something to celebrate or with whom to celebrate.

Celebrating Mother’s Day at home teaches children to give the value that their mothers deserve.

Thus, children learn that not only on that day they should behave well, help around the house, obey, show affectionate gestures, etc. Although, this is a good date to perform all these acts in a more insistent way.

They must be taught that this day is unique and great, because they celebrate how much mothers matter for the union and happiness of all.

The birthdays


The birthdays of the little ones in the house are always celebrated with greater enthusiasm and happiness. But children must learn that they are not the only important ones.

They must be taught that anniversaries of family members should not be overlooked. 

Well, each of these people (mother, father, grandfather, uncle, etc.), with whom they live and create emotional and affective ties, must receive the love they deserve in their day. 

Father’s Day

The popular proverb: “there is only one mother in the world, there are many parents” , is a wrong phrase that should not be transmitted to children.

In fact, they must be taught that a father is a figure of support, affection, kindness and help. And, for this reason, you  must receive all the love that your child can give you always, but above all, on your day.

Children’s day

A child is the fruit of love between two people and, as a fruit and seed at last, it means the beginning of a new life, of new dreams and hopes.

Children’s Day must be celebrated at home, because of how much the new generations are worth for the happiness of all.

For adults, this date should also mean a day of analysis and reflection on respect for and compliance with all rights that children have.

The importance of celebrating anniversaries as a family


Families have to convey to their youngest members the importance of sharing good times together. 

Therefore, adults should take care of taking the dates indicated as reasons for:

  • Entertain others and give gifts.
  • Highlight certain values.
  • Toast to the harmony of home and everyone’s life.

The celebration of family anniversaries encourages sharing, being generous, loving, talking, expressing emotions, exchanging opinions, etc.

Teach your child the importance of anniversaries

Taking anniversaries into account is important because it makes us stop and think about the mistakes we made.

They serve for us to set new goals and achieve that purpose that we have longed for so much.

Anniversaries come and go, but they mark another year of work, love and dedication.

They make it possible for us to remember what we have experienced and what we still have to do.

These celebrations constitute a stop that helps us in reviewing our actions and makes us think about how much time we waste or take advantage of in our personal and sentimental improvement.

But, they also constitute a beginning that tells us that we have a long way to go, that we can try everything again, even starting from scratch.

Children must learn all this!

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