The Best Apps For Pregnant Women

Compare your weight week by week, don’t worry about forgetting a medical consultation and get recommended diets according to your stage of pregnancy. These facilities and many more are at your fingertips thanks to the mobile applications for future moms.
The best apps for pregnant women

Although often criticized, technology has come to give us a hand in many aspects of daily life: school, work, cooking and entertainment are some of them. Pregnancy is no exception, of course. We present the best apps for pregnant women.

The best apps for pregnant women

If you are starting your pregnancy and want to keep all kinds of information about each of the weeks and months, any of the following apps for pregnant women will be of great help:

1. Apps for pregnant women: Fit moms

Its English name is In Shape Moms Prenatal. This application contains information about the physical exercises that you can do during pregnancy ; it is very valuable because this is precisely one of the most frequent queries that future moms ask.

Likewise, you will also be able to obtain advice for your diet, recommendations for preparing for childbirth and exercises to control breathing or strengthening the pelvic floor. Finally, it has very useful advice from professionals in the field. It is available on the Apple App Store in multiple languages. In addition, it has many free content.

2. My pregnancy

We turn to an application for Android devices. With it, you can access different recommendations according to the phase of pregnancy you are going through. To obtain accurate information, you must indicate the date of the beginning of the gestation or the probable date of delivery when you start using it.

The novelties of this app for pregnant women is that it contains a personalized calendar that will allow you to remember medical check-ups and note the highlights of these months. It also has a weight recorder to track your progress each month.

Later, you can also make use of its contraction counter: it will help you control their duration and frequency. Once the baby has arrived in the world, this application will not abandon you, since it includes lists of names for girls and boys that will be of great help if you have not decided yet. Finally, you will also find tips on diet, physical activity and a dictionary to familiarize yourself with each of the terms that you will find in these coming months.

Apps for pregnant women allow you to keep a personal diary to tell about those unforgettable experiences.

3. My pregnancy up to date: monitoring and control

If in addition to having all the necessary data, you intend to save memories and store your feelings at each stage of pregnancy, this is an app for pregnant women that you will love. It has all the typical functions of the mom-to-be apps, but adds a twist: it’s almost like a personal diary.

You will have the possibility to narrate and save details of your experience during pregnancy, as well as upload and store photographs of the ultrasounds and of your belly. During each trimester, you can keep track of your weight, the development of the fetus, medical check-ups and your physical activity.  At the time of delivery, this app will inform you about the nearest hospital, as well as you will be able to count your contractions and check the list of items you will need during and after delivery.

When the little one has arrived, you will have the opportunity to choose his name from an extensive list of recommendations and even know what steps you should initiate. Without a doubt, it is almost like having a personal assistant, with the difference that it can also provide you with the Chinese horoscope for the newborn.

4. More apps for pregnant women: Pregnancy Assistant

This application, as its name implies, will allow you to have all the information you need at your fingertips. You will be able to know what symptoms to expect each week, monitor your weight gain and also get useful advice at each stage.

The calculator for your due date and countdown will let you know exactly how far you are from that precious moment. Also, you can keep track of the list of things to buy or tasks to do. The particularity of this application lies in the forum for pregnant women. In it, you can share experiences, opinions, suggestions and even photos with future moms from all over the world.

Apps for pregnant women can greatly facilitate data collection and date organization.

5. Pregnancy

One of the most acclaimed apps for pregnant women, with a rating of 4.5 out of 5 in the Google Play Store. More than 15 million users use it to follow in detail the wonderful stage that is pregnancy.

Perhaps the most salient feature of this app is that it can be customized for mothers, grandparents, or other family members. In addition, you will have all the necessary information: images and ultrasounds, personal diary, weight record and medical appointments, advice on exercises, feeding and childbirth, among many other features.

Well-used technology can be a great ally. When changes and occupations overwhelm you, it is vitally important to have everything well organized and available. How about keeping everything in your pocket? Do not hesitate to download these apps for pregnant women: they will be your perfect assistant.

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