The Best Supplements For A Pregnant Mother

Supplements can help meet nutrient needs during pregnancy. That is why we are going to tell you which are the most important.
The best supplements for a pregnant mother

Supplements for a pregnant mother may be necessary if you want to guarantee the normal development of the baby, especially when the mother does not have a balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients during this stage.

The nutritional needs of each woman are different and that is why before choosing a supplement, it is necessary to consult with the doctor if it is necessary to take it and if it causes any unwanted effects.  

The best supplements for a pregnant mother

1. Folate. The folic acid supplement is highly recommended by doctors and although there are differences between natural and artificial folate, both provide benefits to pregnant mothers. The ideal amount of folate to consume each day is 1200mcg and it is important to prevent abnormalities in the baby’s development. This nutrient has been shown to be able to prevent neural tube development problems.

2. Prenatal multivitamins. The mother may not require a vitamin supplement to remain healthy, but when there is a nutrient-limited diet, these supplements need to be taken to enhance the baby’s development at each stage of pregnancy. Make sure you get enough vitamins from your diet or from a supplement approved by your doctor.

3. Omega 3 fatty acids. Oils such as cod liver, provide essential and healthy fats for the development of the baby and prevent inflammatory conditions. Omega 3 helps recovery after delivery is faster and the baby’s body assimilates vitamins better. If you do not want to include this substance in your diet, you can consume it in capsule form.

4. Probiotics. They are healthy bacteria for the body that reduce the possibility of developing infections. Probiotics ensure that children’s digestive systems develop in a healthy way throughout their lives. These bacteria also prevent constipation in the mother and reduce the risk of various digestive conditions, according to research published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences . It is also recommended that they continue to be ingested during lactation.


Other supplements of interest

5. Vitamin D3. This vitamin can reduce the risk of diseases during pregnancy such as gestational diabetes. It is also important for the bone and hormonal development of the baby and to improve the functioning of the immune system. If you choose to include this supplement in your pregnancy, you should have regular checks so that the levels of this nutrient do not exceed the recommended limit.

6. Magnesium. It is necessary for anyone to obtain this mineral, but during pregnancy it is especially necessary. The absence of magnesium can lead to impaired fetal growth, pre-eclampsia, or even death of the baby. Magnesium contributes to the growth of tissues and improves the absorption of nutrients by the baby. The recommended dose of this mineral is 500mg.

7. Coconut oil. A natural substance that is recommended among supplements for a pregnant mother is coconut oil. Including it in your daily recipes helps boost the immune system, the baby’s brain development and improves the quality of breast milk. It is one of the healthy fats that you can consider in your eating plan.

What can not be missing in your diet


1. A good amount of protein. It is necessary to consume good sources of protein such as that present in chicken, eggs, and seafood. The meats of animals that have been fed organically, are much more convenient for mother and child and reduce the risk of anemia.

2. Large portions of vegetables, especially green ones. Vegetables of this color contain folic acid, an important substance for the growth of the baby and also contain many other nutrients. With these foods you prevent constipation and make sure you are getting a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

3. Healthy fats. Pregnancy does not imply that you should give up these foods, on the contrary , if you choose healthy ones, you contribute to the brain development of your baby and the construction of tissues and organs. As for the mother, this type of fat makes breast milk more abundant and of better quality.

Some elements to avoid during pregnancy

  • Artificially sweetened foods and beverages.
  • Chemical additives.
  • Trans fats and oils.
  • Herbs, medications or supplements that have any contraindication.
  • Food that is packaged in aluminum or plastic containers.
  • Artificial colors.

Ensure a good diet and value supplementation

During pregnancy it is essential to monitor the quality of the diet, it must be balanced and varied. It may also be necessary to include a supplement to improve the development of the baby. However, it is advisable to consult a professional first.

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