The Challenges Of Being Adoptive Parents

The challenges of being adoptive parents

Becoming adoptive parents is the dream of those who for one reason or another could not have children of their own; or they had them, but they lost them, and due to their age or medical conditions they are unable to conceive again.

Adoptive parents can be considered blessed people endowed with a very great gift that life, or, in this case, their country and community, offers them.

They should also know that as a highly valued prize, the child in question must be loved, cared for and protected as if it were biologically theirs.

To get you up to speed on the ins and outs of adoption and what it means to be adoptive parents, we have decided to write this post.

What is the process of adopting a minor like?

Although each country has its own codes, the process to adopt a child is similar in all regions and starts from the moment the future parents make the decision to adopt.

From here, the couple seeks support and guidance in the centers for the adoption of minors in their locality or country, who will assign a social worker to assist and assist them throughout the process.

Both the man and the woman will have to fill out certain questionnaires, undergo an interview giving detailed information about their married life, their economic position, health … Their home and life will go through a thorough study that will reveal whether or not they are prepared to receive the child. they want.

Once the family is approved, they will know the minors who are available for adoption, and if the couple-adoption center-social worker-child relationship is successful, it is likely that the adoption will take place.

Dear reader, it is important that you know that becoming an adoptive parent is a long dream that can take months or years to come true; and it is loaded with not a few disappointments and despair.

The child that the couple wants does not always become the child they adopt in the end, so whoever decides to adopt must start from the fact that once the path has begun, it can take different directions.

So, whoever wants to take this step must be more than sure of its firmness and its value; to be strong and to fervently desire to become a father or mother to a child. Because regretting having adopted, not paying due attention to the child that has been received at home, or not giving him the affection that he so badly needs, can be disastrous for that minor.

What are the duties of the adoptive parents?

The same ones that the biological parents of the children have:

  • Give them love
  • Caring for and protecting them
  • Provide for their basic needs
  • Provide them with medical and mental health care
  • Assist and guide them in everything they need
  • Enroll and educate them according to their age
  • Do not use physical or psychological violence
  • Giving them the best possible well-being

Be adoptive parents

Being adoptive parents is not being the caregivers of a puppy that you have to feed, bathe him once a month, and play with him whenever you want. Neither will the breeders of the kitten who will live in the neighborhood and will only come to eat at home when he is hungry.

In this category must be those who are vigilant 24 hours a day, who love greatly, regardless of whether the recipient of their affection is 3 or 12 years old, is of one race or another, or has the traumas that they have.

These people must always be available to hug, kiss, protect the little person who will suddenly become the protagonist of their lives and will occupy an important role within the family.

Adoptive parents, good adoptive parents, are the ones who do everything to educate, advise, teach, promote the best values ​​that the child in question will need to become emotionally successful adults.

They are those who, in addition to maintenance, food, walks, vaccinations and toys, are in charge of offering a share of love, well-being and happiness that supports them in their present and future.

Good adoptive parents will be those who will forget the past ; And suddenly, one of the many mornings that will follow the advent of your child, you will begin to notice that the little one who embraces you by the knees and looks at you from the floor, looks like you.

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