The Importance Of Taking Good Care Of Teeth From Childhood

Taking care of the oral hygiene of babies helps prevent many diseases, not only the famous cavities. 
The importance of taking good care of teeth from childhood

There are parents who start taking care of their children’s teeth before they erupt ; that is, before they break the gums and protrude. This is a highly recommended action, although unfortunately it is not common. Oral hygiene is usually put aside by most parents until their child has more than 6-8 pieces.

It is essential to take the baby to the dentist before his first teeth erupt. Detecting and treating a small white spot is not the same as a whole set of symptoms that produce a lot of discomfort and pain.

The visit to the dentist

When in doubt about when and how to start implementing oral hygiene habits, it is best to consult with the pediatric dentist. The professional will evaluate the child and indicate what is the most advisable for his case. Of course, the next thing to do is to find the right tools, that is, a toothbrush and a children’s toothpaste.

Going to the specialist before the child manifests discomfort or various discomfort is essential. Keep in mind that, in general, when something hurts it is because it is already sick. You do not have to wait for the child to feel excruciating pain to understand the importance of taking care of oral health.

The vast majority of parents are unaware that many pediatric medications contain a large amount of sugar and fermentable carbohydrates that affect oral health. On the other hand, they also ignore how to brush their children and other basic hygiene aspects. They consider that, because they are so small, they do not need this type of care yet.

Silicone baby toothbrush.

Attention to teeth throughout the mouth is important

Taking care of your teeth does not only mean preventing cavities, because to achieve healthy teeth it is necessary to take care of the entire mouth, which involves the lips, gums, tongue, joints and even the way of biting. All of this implies constant monitoring of oral hygiene, which is why it is important that parents begin to take care of their child’s mouth, in general, before his first tooth comes out.

Most specialists recommend that the baby’s first visit to the doctor is before he is 12 months old. However, experts advise that parents educate themselves on how to care for their baby’s mouth, gums and teeth during pregnancy. In a single visit you can learn what is necessary to preventively care for a child’s teeth.

Many parents will find this measure exaggerated, but it must be remembered that many babies under one year of age have started to consume sugary foods because they have been given them at home or in their nurseries.

Perhaps this is because very few parents know that scientific studies have shown that the bacteria that are involved in tooth decay can be acquired by infants even before teeth have erupted.

Mom and Dad are the guardians of baby’s teeth

And just as it is important to take care of the baby’s gums and mouth correctly when he is just an infant, it is also important to take care of the milk teeth because, although they are certainly going to fall out, they are the prelude to teaching your child the importance of taking good care of his teeth.

“An adult who loses his first permanent molar shows that he was a child with tooth decay or baby teeth,” explain specialists from the Spanish Society of Pediatric Dentistry, who emphasize that it is important to take care of milk teeth. They assert that there is in taking care of them but also evaluating how the teeth are related, how their children chew, because this care determines the future of your child’s oral health.

Diagnosing and treating these ailments as early as possible is the best passport to health in adulthood ; and at that point it is vital that parents understand that oral health is an important part of overall health, and that they must take care of it from the time the child is born.

In this process, it is the parents who teach their children to brush their teeth at least twice a day: after breakfast and before going to bed. And they are the ones who show you how to use a correct brushing technique, in addition to how crucial it is for your teeth to wash after eating sweets.

When should a child start brushing their teeth?

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