The Important Thing About Giving Love To A Child Is That They Feel It

Babies and children must feel loved in order to fully develop their abilities. In addition, this will make many things easier for them in life. Discover how to make your child feel all the love you want to convey.
The important thing about giving love to a child is that they feel it

There is no more powerful driving force than love, since it is capable of moving mountains. It is this same element, the fundamental key to raising your child. However, you must consider that the important thing about giving love to a child is that he feels it.

When it comes to childhoods, there is no better spiritual food than this ingredient that is so difficult to explain but that, ultimately, we all experience. Now, how do you make sure that the child actually perceives all that love and affection that you feel for him?

Give love to a child to feel it

Of course, every creature needs and deserves to be deeply and unconditionally loved by its parents. A clear example is the classic coming home, crying, after a difficult school day. The sea of ​​tears of the “insurmountable problem” is diluted with the wise words of a mother.

For this reason, the love that is given to a minor, feels and comforts the broken soul. However, remember that there are many ways to give love to a child. Well, although it materializes adopting different forms, the essence is the same.

Every being wants to feel love, to experience it in the first person. However, it is also good that it is reciprocally perceived. That is to say, that what we feel reaches the other person. But be careful, because the first secret to giving love is, logically, to feel it with burning.


How to give love to a child “correctly”?

  • Share your time with the little one.  Play and dialogue, a fundamental motto for all the upbringing of the minor, especially in the first years of life. Dedication, attention and affection forge the foundation of childhood happiness.
  • Get tired of repeating it: I love you baby!  Essential phrase to raise a beloved child who never hurts. You can feel it from the moment you felt it in your belly, but the important thing is that your child knows and understands it.
  • Take care of their needs. Caress them, kiss them, hug them, help them and do whatever it takes to externalize all that you have inside. Play, read, sing, and create with them at least once a day. Giving love to a child involves letting him know that you love spending time with him.
  • Invest in boosting your self-esteem. Praise each of their achievements, praise their abilities and skills. Deposit security in your child and, in this way, a beautiful smile of satisfaction on his face.
  • A smile that colors your world.  This beautiful gesture can be translated into a sign of company, support or complicity, among others. Best of all, it is a contagious language and is only decoded by those involved in this beautifully peculiar communication.
    It is important to give love to your children
    • Offer personal protection.  As that little boy is the most precious gift in life, you must take care of him tooth and nail. This is another way to give love to a child that you can easily perceive. Take her hand when she is afraid. Talk about the dangers that life hides but never ignore or belittle their fears.
    • Let him err.  There is no reason to ridicule you for every mistake. On the contrary, each mistake represents a valuable learning. So, avoid scolding them for their shenanigans and antics and implement a positive plan against the typical and normal childish lies.
    • Pampering and more pampering.  It is not bad, from time to time, to indulge the odd “whim” or give it a treat. Make his favorite dish, build a wall at home with his achievements and important events or put together a special outing. Thus, the infant will feel included and loved.
    • Allow him to be himself.  Your son did not come into the world to feed your ego, or fulfill those frustrated dreams. Forget about that useless projection that goes against your wishes. Your childhood should not reflect adult pressures in order to become a healthy, full and happy adult. Love the child as he is, not as you want him to be.

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