The Role Of Grandparents

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is a unique and special bond that enriches both generations. Grandparents bring more than we might expect.
The role of grandparents

The role of grandparents within the family and society has changed significantly in recent times. His intervention, which was previously much more discreet and optional, has become, in many cases, of a nature imposed by necessity.

The role of grandparents

The figure of grandparents is very important in the lives of grandchildren as well as in the family in general. They add a lot of value, both logistically and emotionally. 

The voice of experience

First of all, grandparents are a source of knowledge and experience. Thanks to their age and everything they have experienced, they are able to bring a different and broader perspective. In situations of crisis, anger or confusion, your point of view can help you to relativize and make better decisions.

Emotional Support

For both children and grandchildren, grandparents are an important point of contention. Especially for new parents who are scared or overwhelmed, support and advice can reassure and steer spirits.

The role of grandparents.

In addition, they can help with everything related to the care of the child, teaching their children until they are able to take care of the new member of the family themselves.

The role of grandparents in family culture

Grandparents are the central nucleus and the point of union of the family. Thanks to them, descendants can learn more about the history of their family clan. In addition, c ontribuyen to generate a sense of identity and belonging when we tell stories of our family.

On the other hand, their role is essential when it comes to transmitting family values ​​and keeping the family together. Generally, they are the ones who try the hardest to reunite the family and the ones who most enjoy watching how they spend time together. Grandparents remind you of the importance and gift of family ties.

Responsibility and empathy

Grandparents generate in the little ones a natural feeling of sympathy and deference. It is not uncommon to observe how a child who is in full tantrum with his parents calms down when he is with a grandfather. Or that little one who ignores the orders of his parents, but acts without question when the mandate comes from his grandparents.

In addition, by understanding the age and limitations of grandparents, children develop empathy and the natural instinct for care, and are even capable of caring for them and modifying their behavior to ensure their well-being.

Learn from grandchildren

But this relationship brings two-way benefits. Just as grandparents contribute and enrich the lives of their grandchildren, they also influence that of the former.

Grandchildren help grandparents to feel younger and more vital, to re-experience parenthood from a kinder, more carefree angle. A unique bond of trust and complicity is created from which both benefit.

In addition, the youngest can bring their grandparents closer to the debates, technologies and the advancement of the modern world. They can help them integrate and move forward in society without being left behind.

The role of grandparents in education

As we have commented, previously the intervention of the grandparents in the daily life of the grandchildren was more scarce and, above all, optional. Currently, many families find themselves in need of resorting to their grandparents for financial or logistical support.

The role of grandparents.

This is due to the configuration of society and the family today, where grandparents are in limbo in which they must take care of their grandchildren, but are not allowed to influence their education.

It is common for grandparents to tend to “spoil” their grandchildren at times, and it is just as common for parents to feel their authority questioned by certain acts of grandparents.

It is lawful that, as a parent, you want to take responsibility for your child’s education. However, you should not forget that grandparents are doing, out of love, a task that does not correspond to them and that, at times, exceeds their physical and emotional capacities.

Therefore, try to define what is really important in your child’s education and, for the rest, trust their criteria and appreciate their support.  If you manage to act as allies, everyone will benefit.

Grandmother and grandfather: second parents

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