The Role Of The Father In Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is always talked about with mom in mind, but the father’s role in breastfeeding is also very important.
The role of the father in breastfeeding

The role of the father in breastfeeding is our main topic for this article. Well, Dad is a fundamental actor in the expanding family, an actor unjustly condemned to a supporting role.

Becoming a parent is undoubtedly one of the most wonderful events in life. Much is known and discussed about the care of the mother and the baby. Wherever you want you will find information on what to do before, during and after pregnancy and at each stage of your baby. But what about dad?

Dad can and should have important and fundamental tasks in caring for the baby and later in parenting. Which allows the formation of strong bonds with your child. It is a privilege not to be missed. Therefore, the role of the father in breastfeeding is essential.

Dad as a support in breastfeeding

Of all the activities and care that a newborn requires, it is perhaps breastfeeding that requires the most time and, at times, generates a lot of physical wear and tear on the mother. Although it is easier for some than for others, we all need help to be able to maintain breastfeeding over time and, above all, to enjoy this stage.


The role of the father in breastfeeding is fundamental, being the mother’s main support, day and night, especially in the first weeks when the baby gives more work and the new parents are still recognizing themselves as such.

Tasks of the father’s role in breastfeeding:

  • Dad must be an important part of the decision to breastfeed or not, understanding that this also commits him to the decision.
  • Dad must know as much about breastfeeding as mother, this is to get involved by reading, listening to experiences and attending the breastfeeding consultation. Only a father who knows the wonderful advantages that mother’s milk represents for the physical, cognitive and emotional development of his child will be the best ally to get him to term.
  • Dad should empathize with Mom and support her in the challenge of breastfeeding. Understand that some mothers find it a bit complex to achieve the rhythm that this demands, but that the reward is always well worth the effort.
  • Dad must be your protector against the thousands of reckless comments, against the recommendations of family and friends. Both must be a team.
  • Dad should enjoy this moment as much as mom, that magical communion at the time of breastfeeding well should be three.
  • Dad can help with breastfeeding tasks such as keeping baby awake while feeding to feed to the end, bringing water for Mom, getting a comfortable place to lie down with pillows or cushions (they are always good at this!), pass gas or change the baby.
  • Dad can do the housework. Breastfeeding is a time-consuming activity, and many mothers report stress from feeling like they are spending time “sitting around doing nothing.” Dad can take over tasks like washing dishes, folding clothes, preparing something to eat, so Mom can have more time for herself and the baby.
  • Dad can help with home visits to meet the little one.

The role of the father in breastfeeding is essential

If you want the father of your child to play an active role in their development and upbringing, breastfeeding is perhaps the gateway to this. That the breast is in your body does not mean that this is a task of your exclusivity.

Mothers always believe that we know more about the baby, about his care. Give dad a chance to show that he knows a lot about his son too. Allow yourself to enjoy a partner in this process.

As in pregnancy, parents are the best of all supports for the mother, they are her support, her confidant and her backing. Allow them to play this role.

The role of the father in breastfeeding is a right

Parents who have been an active part of the breastfeeding process describe it as one of the experiences that they would not change for anything. Feeling important in a process where they have usually been relegated to fifth place after the baby, the mother, the grandmothers, the aunts and the advice of the neighbors vindicates them in their fundamental role as a member of this new growing family.

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