The Sports Most Practiced By Teenagers

Sports practice, in addition to providing health benefits, contributes to the socialization process of young people. What are the most popular alternatives for teens?
The sports most practiced by teenagers

Hundreds of young people spend much of their time doing physical activities. The options are diverse; but, undoubtedly, there are some disciplines that have become the sports most practiced by adolescents.

The benefits of playing sports in adolescence are multiple. Improves school performance, encourages discipline and responsibility. And, in addition, it keeps young people away from the typical problems of this vital stage, such as addictions or bad friends.

Each young person is an accumulation of restlessness and desire to learn; They want to demonstrate the skills and abilities they have and for this they have many sporting possibilities. Find out which are the favorites of teenagers.

What are the sports most practiced by teenagers?

Ball sports most practiced by teenagers

  • Basketball: Basketball is a booming sport among young people. It allows them to integrate socially, since it is practiced as a team. In turn, he develops skills such as balance, concentration, speed of execution, muscular agility and precise reflexes.
  • Soccer: It is one of the most popular, fun and practiced sports worldwide. It brings benefits to the young person both in their physical and emotional health, while enhancing their spirit of improvement and increasing their self-esteem. With soccer, the ability to work as a team and problem-solving is strengthened, in addition to greatly promoting discipline.
Children need to play sports to improve their well-being and development.
  • Volleyball: When playing this sport, movement on the court and constant attention on the ball so that it does not touch the ground improve coordination. Similarly, reflexes are exacerbated by the need for quick response. Playing volleyball increases flexibility and also encourages integration and cooperation through teamwork.
  • Tennis: The constant movement of this sport gives the young man agility and flexibility, while improving his aerobic and cardiovascular capacity. The discipline necessary to develop the correct use of the racket and its dynamics with the ball increase hand-eye coordination.

Other sports alternatives most practiced by adolescents

  • Gymnastics: Gymnastics reduces the feeling of fatigue, since it generates high levels of energy. Its constant practice provides greater flexibility and coordination, since the more movement the body is given, the more elastic it will have, until reaching an optimal stretch and elongation limit.
  • Athletics: In this discipline running, jumping and throwing are united. It is a comprehensive activity that provides the young person with multiple physical abilities. The initiation of its practice is recommended after the age of 10, making it one of the most practiced sports by adolescents.
  • Swimming: Swimming allows to strengthen the whole body by working the legs, arms, torso and hips. In addition, with this sport aerobic exercise is performed constantly, something very beneficial for the cardiovascular and respiratory system. This discipline is very positive and does not impact strongly on the joints. Likewise, there is a balance between individualism and teamwork.
Girls smiling in swimming.
  • Cycling: It is a very fun sport that stimulates coordination and balance and can be done indoors or outdoors. This last option allows the young person to entertain themselves with their surroundings while developing their motor skills by means of a bicycle according to the chosen cycling modality.
  • Tae Kwon Do: Tae Kwon Do is one of the favorite martial arts today, since it allows to develop multiple motor and mental abilities. With his practice, the young man tones his arms and legs; This gives you greater strength throughout your body, while strengthening self-control and discipline.

A personal choice

Beyond those mentioned, there are many other activities that are beginning to gain their place among teenagers. Among them, it is worth highlighting parkour , bmx and breakdancing. The latter made its debut as an Olympic sport recently at the Youth Olympics, as did rock climbing.

Very popular or not, the important thing is that the boys find a sport that fills them with satisfaction and complements their daily routine. The discipline that sports practice implies will contribute to the formation of their character, in addition to helping their body development and promoting new and better social relationships.

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