The Unpregnancy, How To Get Away With It?

The unpregnancy, how to succeed?

The unpregnancy, how to succeed? In this post we will give you a series of tips and advice so that you can overcome this important stage without trauma.

We all assume pregnancy as a wonderfully difficult stage, due to the series of discomforts, physical and hormonal changes that affect women.

What is unpregnancy?

But few people tell you about the phase you must face immediately after holding your little one in your arms. And we are not referring exclusively to the puerperium or quarantine, we are talking about unpregnancy, which we will explain to you below.

We spend nine months waiting for the birth of our child and once we hold him in our arms, panic kicks in because we believe that we will not be able to give the little one everything he needs to stay healthy and happy.

As the days go by, the new dynamics at home allow the nervousness to disappear, because we are so busy that there is not enough time to sit down and think about anything just when we have to go through unpregnancy.

There are few opportunities we have to analyze the transformation we have undergone and how good it is! Because every time we start to turn our thoughts we drown in a sea of ​​crying, discomfort and nostalgia.

We cry because of the hormonal lack of control that attacks us, we feel dissatisfied with our body, with the 24 hours a day that are not enough for us, and nostalgia appears when we realize that nothing will ever be the same as before in addition to going through unpregnancy.

The role of mother will prevail over everyone else. Space will be opened between the wife, the daughter, the sister and the professional to place themselves in the center of everything permanently.

During pregnancy we come to think that when the baby is born, our life will be as before, but dear friends, it is an immense desire that will never come true, because the role of mother will be imposed on everyone else.

Space will be opened between the wife, the daughter, the sister and the professional to place themselves in the center of everything permanently. From there, from the mother’s perspective, we will see the world in a different way.

Who I am?

You are already the mother of a beautiful child and while you take care of him, nothing else matters. You are happy giving everything for their well-being, but when the baby sleeps and it is your turn to stand in front of the mirror, a bunch of unpleasant sensations take you over completely.

You look at your face, your dark circles from fatigue. When you turn around and see yourself in profile, you keep noticing that your belly has not completely disappeared, and that you still have a few extra kilos.


You bravely open the closet to confirm that your favorite pants still don’t fit. And that becomes the perfect excuse to cry for a long time. You torture yourself when you realize that you have weeks without getting a manicure and that your hair is falling out in droves. You feel like a horrible woman, exhausted and misunderstood by those around you.

Nobody tells you that you will not recognize your body or the new way in which you will assume each daily situation.  Few warn you that the transformation from woman to mother hurts, as long as you do not accept that the girl without responsibilities has been left behind and will not return.

How to overcome unpregnancy?


With the following keys, you will be able to get through the unpregnancy stage on the right foot without falling into postpartum depression, which arises from the belief that we are the only mothers in the world with self-esteem at the lowest level, with the supposed certainty that no one understands us and feeling that things are not going well with our husbands.

1.- From the first moment you must understand that your baby is not an extension of you. With this in mind, it will be easier to assume that he and you are two individuals with different needs and that you should start adjusting to disengagement.

2.-With regard to needs, you must make the effort to attend to yourself, your tastes, your appearance, do the things that you like the most and whenever you can enjoy your solitude.

3.- Fight for your space. When we tell you to fight, we mean the internal struggle that you will have to fight to accept that you have the right to go out with your friends, to go for a walk alone, to go to the beauty salon; and that is why you are not an irresponsible mother.

4.- Your marriage is not going bad. When you feel that your husband does not understand you, that he does not offer the help you need and that he does not pamper you as before, nor does it occur to you to think that the relationship is bad, what happens is that each one is adapting to the new reality and You must do it your way. So talk to your partner about their expectations and insecurities.

5.- Allow the whole family to get involved. We all know that we want to take care of absolutely everything that has to do with the baby, but this attitude only results in extreme exhaustion. It is best to accept the help of your family members, so you can find time and space for yourself.

6.- Face discouragement and nostalgia. Take advantage of the lactation stage, in which we spend hundreds of calories every day, to maintain a healthy diet and recover your measurements. The body you had will not reappear if you don’t help it.

The most important thing to overcome the disengagement is that you do not cling to what you were before you became a mother. Learn to discover the world and take advantage of the best reason to gradually transform yourself into a better person for your children.

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