This Is The Life Of 7 Brothers Raised In A Library

Do not miss this peculiar story of 7 brothers who were raised in a library, how can it be?
This is the life of 7 brothers raised in a library

What can we expect from children raised in a library? Are cases destined for success? We don’t have many stories to compare, but this reality motivates us to teach the love of books. It is the story of seven brothers who grew up surrounded by books, in their own home, their parents would have collected more than 20 thousand texts of various kinds, for this they say they are privileged.

It is believed that many children do not remember much about their childhood, but there are cases where childhood learning and habits prevail. The taste for books is something that can begin when we are children and can accompany us into our adult lives, such is the case of the Martinón Torres brothers, who still live from the memory of their personal library.

What is life like for the children in the library?

In a period of a little more than ten years, the couple formed by Federico Martinón and Georgina Torres had seven children; Today they are adults, but their childhood marked them for life. The large family that grew up in the city of Ourense doubled in size due to the number of books in its library, which occupied the largest room.

The main adventures of the children of that family were lived in the library, there they walked through stories that accompany them today. However,  living with the letters from around the world, allowed them to be inspired to achieve all their goals ; Today, the Martinón Torres library gave birth to seven great professionals in the world.

For some reason the kids turned to science ; the oldest of them, Federico, is a renowned pediatrician, noted mainly for his role in the expansion of vaccination throughout Europe. Despite the great inclination towards adventure books, the trend in the rest of the professions was directed towards the scientific part.

Living with so many books was quite natural for them, who began to forge their illusions around their favorite heroes. Maria, the third sister, remembers her fondness for Verne’s books and Sherlock Holmes stories ; Today she is a distinguished archaeologist, like Marcos.


A written childhood

Marcos has rewritten a large part of the books of his childhood through his experiences in the area of ​​archeology; he also stands out as a professor at University College London. His sister María has managed to transform the history of human evolution through her findings.

Other pediatricians in the family are “Federico grandfather”, “Father Federico” and “Federico son”, so is the youngest, Nazareth, recently awarded at the University of Salamanca for her work on meningococcal disease. For her part, Georgina, the second sister, is a geriatrician at the Ciudad Real University Hospital; From there, he also analyzes Velázquez’s work and his relationship with old age.

Lucas is a man of letters, he currently directs the communication department of the Xunta de Galicia, he is a journalist and has in his resume the writing of the speeches of Alberto Núñez Feijóo when he was a candidate for the presidency. Mateo, for his part, leaned towards the IT area, runs a successful company in Santiago de Compostela.

Intellectuals life

The upbringing of the Martinón Torres brothers stood out for their constant inclination towards reading; Marcos explains that his parents never asked him to be an archaeologist, but he opted for this specialty because history and art were part of their lives.

These brothers say that at no time did their parents advise them to take one or another career, on the contrary, the motto of the house was: “Each one should be asked what is within their power to do”, a phrase from the book The Little Prince.


María remembers that books were worshiped in her mother’s home, they were not only considered a vehicle for information and the transmission of knowledge, they also functioned as a source of entertainment and sometimes also of consolation. Their parents’ advice was to do their best, at their own pace and style; this allowed them to recognize that they were all good at something.

Although Martinón Torres parents did not tell their children what to do, they gave them tools to grow and they all decided to use them. Marcos says that he never doubted his aspirations, he assures that being an athlete or doing something other than archeology never passed through his mind; instead curiosity led them down an intellectual path full of options.

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