Those Magical Moments Of Complicity Between You And Your Son

Those magical moments of complicity between you and your child

If there is something that you enjoy in your work as a mother or father, it is those moments of simple and magical complicity with your little one. Because love does not need words to feel intensely, those moments inscribed in the daily routine with our children are enough for us to know what true happiness is : a smile, a look, a caress, a nap in your arms, a gesture that captivates …

People are made of moments. We are our stories, and those stories are embedded in the form of significant moments. This is how our emotional memory is woven, as well as that subtle fabric that spins the authentic feeling of happiness.

Because it doesn’t take big acts, immense adventures or dreamy gifts to feel good. Well-being is that, they are simple details of the day to day with the people we love.

We are sure that as a mother or father, you too have started to enjoy that daily life where habits as simple as waking up your baby in the morning, feeding or bathing him, are undoubtedly making you see the world differently. Something change. Now you have become a “collector” of moments, those that you share with your partner, those that you explain to your family or friends.

Those moments mark your awakening as a new mom or as a new dad. They are scraps of a life that you will always keep in a precious corner of your brain. Today in “You are Mom” we invite you to reflect on this issue.

Complicity with our children, an early bond of power

We are sure that you have already heard of the concept of attachment on multiple occasions. Focused from the field of parenting, it is an essential factor to create a strong bond with your child, that which is built through closeness, skin-to-skin contact, the most authentic, concerned and respectful affection.

However … what do we mean when we talk about complicity? How do we shape this psychological construct so common among adults?

  • Complicity with a child begins with knowing their needs.
  • As a mother, you learn every day to know him, to anticipate what he wants, what bothers him, what he likes, what bothers him.
  • In turn, and here the magic element arises, the baby will discover day by day that you are the one who satisfies his needs, that you are the one who nurtures him in affections and who gives him security. The little one trusts you and that is where complicity is built little by little.

You both speak a language that does not need words. There is a special connection, a bond that is strengthened day by day.

The little details that connect us and that we enjoy

The most magical moments are lived, curiously, when there is more tranquility, when you are alone, when life is placid, simple and everyday. A walk, a nap on the sofa, a bath, something that makes you both smile at the same time …

  • All these moments in turn generate powerful emotional anchors. You will remember them and your child, no matter how young, will remember them in his own way. Your brain, still immature and growing, may not be able to conjure up those precise details, but what it will remember is the felt emotion.
  • We cannot ignore that the more significant, quiet moments and strong emotional connection with you, the greater and more optimal the child’s brain development.

On the other hand, the mother-child or father-child complicity is the root by which that Emotional Intelligence is nourished that will make the child see from an early age, that positive emotions have power, that the connection with the gaze has a language own, that smiles relax and that being close to ours is rewarding and wonderful.

The best moments do not know in a hurry, but they do know of that “aging on a slow fire” that you both enjoy

mom with child on moon enjoying her complicity

Complicity does not know about being in a hurry, it does not have schedules or is programmed in an agenda. It just happens. We need quality time with our children to create and strengthen that magical bond where we can connect with them, where we understand their needs, where they see us as the most important person in their life, the one who understands them and whom they can trust.

Because complicity, we cannot forget it, is above all the trust built between two people, there where two hearts become one, where there is respect and where our children know and intuit that we will always take care of them, that they are the most beautiful of our life and that we will always be with them.

Enjoy those magical moments with your child. Set unforgettable moments every day until you create your best gift, your best treasure: a happy life with your child.

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