Tips To Increase Amniotic Fluid

Amniotic fluid is produced naturally without any effort. However, some situations demand higher production. We give you some tips for it.
Tips to increase amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid is a saline fluid found inside the amniotic sac (the sac that protects the embryo). This substance, within which the future baby develops, allows it to:

  • Moving without the walls of the amniotic sac conforming to your body
  • Stay protected from shocks, sudden movements and falls that the pregnant woman may suffer
  • Grow surrounded by the temperature you need
  • Provide carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and many other substances in the early stages of development.

As you may have noticed, amniotic fluid is vital for your child. Therefore, we will tell you about it.

Amniotic fluid disorders

Amniotic fluid is basically a liquid that the baby inhales and swallows while being in the womb.

As it develops and gains weight, the substance that also protects it grows in volume, to help it in its constant development.

However, the amount of fluid inside the amniotic sac is not always what the fetus needs.

Sometimes due to too much (polyhydramnios) and others due to too little (oligohydramnios), this substance can also be a problem during pregnancy and bring many difficulties.


Polyhydramnios is the word used to highlight an increase in amniotic fluid within the sac that covers the baby.

This clinical picture occurs when the fetus, whether due to abdominal, pulmonary, neuronal or other difficulties or abnormalities, cannot inhale and swallow the normal amount of amniotic fluid.

In other cases, the increase in the substance may also be associated with the mother’s gestational diabetes or multiple pregnancies.

Although no pregnancy with excess amniotic fluid is completely risk-free, a large percentage of them come to fruition.


Unlike polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios means a shortage of amniotic fluid. Its prevalence is more common in the first trimester of pregnancy, but it can also occur at any other time, even before delivery.

pregnant taking medication

Unlike pregnancy with excess amniotic fluid, one with oligohydramnios is more likely to have serious complications and even end with the death of the fetus.

According to statistics, the crude mortality rate is high due to the lack of this vital fluid.

Amniotic fluid shortage can:

  • Cause pulmonary hypoplasia (incomplete development of the lung)
  • Cause crushing or prolapse of the umbilical cord
  • Make the baby’s abdomen compress and limit the movement of his diaphragm
  • Cause esophageal atresia
  • Promote the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid (meconium is a black or dark green substance that constitutes the first feces of the fetus. This viscosity is made up of secretions from the stomach and liver of the future baby as well as dead cells)
  • Limit the growth of the fetus
  • Cause embolism of amniotic fluid
  • Cause various fetal abnormalities and many other complications

The lack of amniotic fluid can be caused by the early rupture of the membranes of the amniotic sac, which allow the gradual leakage of the fluid.

Another cause may be a defect in the uterus or cervix, or the spread of a bacterial infection at a certain time during pregnancy.

This disorder also occurs when there are abnormalities in the urinary tract of the future baby and malformations in the umbilical cord.

Tips to increase amniotic fluid

pregnant woman at doctor's office

The amount of amniotic fluid and the normal growth of the fetus should be measured in each consultation that the pregnant woman has with her obstetrician-gynecologist. This is done by measuring your belly (fundal height) with a tape measure.

In case of suspicion of the presence of oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, the clinician will perform other more precise tests before taking any action.

In the event that there is certainty that there is a shortage of amniotic fluid, (the subject that moves this post) the pregnant woman should follow several recommendations to increase the amount of fluid.

Among them it is important to mention:

  • A strict rest
  • Administration of antibiotics and other medications that make fluid increase
  • Intravenous hydration
  • The intake of plenty of fluids and the consumption of juicy vegetables and fruits (melon, orange, tangerine, grapes … especially favor tropical fruits)

Mom, remember that the amniotic fluid also depends on the health of your child and the successful completion of the pregnancy.

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