Today’s Children Will Have Worse Health In Old Age Than Their Grandparents

Today's children will have worse health in old age than their grandparents

Although it seems that society is advancing by leaps and bounds, the reality is that in some respects we seem to be going backwards. Today’s children when they reach old age may be in worse health than their current grandparents.  They are said to grow up less healthy than today’s adults over 65,  according to a new report from The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

The report that affirms it

This report is based on a survey of educators from 5 countries representing a wide variety of cultures and levels of economic development. Exactly they have been based on interviewing educators from Germany, South Africa, India, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. In this way they could really make sure that they had a large enough sample to be able to secure their hypotheses.

Of 101 educators consulted for this research, 58% said that children may be in worse health than older adults today. Educators identify the following characteristics as the main health problems of today’s child that can lead to problems later in life: sedentary lifestyles, excess weight, poor hygiene and poor diet.

Mental and emotional health is ignored

This same research was also based on a survey of 400 parents of school-age children (from the same countries mentioned above) and found that parents did not give too much importance to lack of exercise but also ignored health problems mental that your children might present. They did not provide them with the necessary aids.

There is a large current population that has mental health problems because they have not been treated at the time. When a child has emotional problems and they are not treated from within the family, as these problems grow they can have serious consequences on their physical and mental development, even producing disorders.

Health education needs to improve

If children are to become aware of the importance of their own care to improve their health in the future, education must change, not only in schools but also at home. There is no use in schools working with healthy eating or eating fruit if later at home they are not educated on the same line of healthy eating.

The same goes for exercise. It is of no use that in schools work is done so that children do physical activities and enjoy the outdoors, if when they get home the parents do not worry about taking them or doing outdoor activities and sit them in front of the television, the computer or the computer. the tablet for hours to keep them entertained and quiet all the time.

This study concludes that to be effective in children, there must be a comprehensive health education, covering many areas of children’s lives. The little ones should know first-hand a healthy lifestyle to improve physical and emotional well-being and also to avoid health problems in the future. To improve in health you have to be aware.

The report also says that health education should involve the entire community, that is, schools, town halls, families … The entire population in general. The ideal would be to create pilot projects in all current societies with the objective of educating children in good health, so they could grow up seeing the good example in their societies and in their homes.

These projects (which can also be worked from home) should take into account good daily habits such as sleeping well, exercising, maintaining a good diet by eating nutritious food, drinking plenty of water, avoiding harmful habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol, avoiding foods that are not recommended. , etc. It is imperative that children set a good example within their homes.

If society focused on children learning good health techniques for their physical and mental well-being, children as adults could be more likely to have better health, a good quality of life and also be able to have more years of life. In this way, today’s children will have a better chance of living longer.

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