Travel Back In Time Through Youth Books

Enjoy different periods of time without leaving your room. You are ready?
Travel back in time through youth books

Can you imagine having the possibility of going back to the Middle Ages or living in the future without having to leave your home? All of this is possible through literature. More specifically, time  travel is one of the most used themes in literature for young people. It is included within science fiction and is one of the topics that most attracts the attention of young people in books.

Time travel arouses a lot of interest and curiosity in young people as they can imagine themselves at a specific moment different from the one they live.

In this way, writing and imagination go totally hand in hand around these books. For this reason, below, we show you a selection of youth books to travel back in time and thus promote reading in a sector of the population that is decreasing more every day.

Youth books to travel through time

The midnight garden

A book that will open the door to a secret garden that has just appeared in which there are three boys and a girl. Ghosts? Imagination? Reality?

A story with a fascinating beauty that has been taken to television and film on three and one occasions, respectively. A classic book out of the ordinary, since it was written in 1958. Despite the passage of time, the story has original and thought-provoking elements.

Teen boy reading one of the books to travel back in time.

In addition, young people will  find in its pages fantastic scenes and a totally moving ending that, on many occasions, will make them want to enjoy reading again.

Christmas story

Charles Dickens and his Christmas Carol are undoubtedly world famous. The ghosts of the present, the past and the future are the true protagonists in this fantastic journey through time that will make both Srooge, the protagonist, and his readers reflect.

The change of attitudes, the reflection towards the acts and the personality are some of the subjects that are treated in this book suitable for all young people.

A Yankee in the court of King Arthur

After a strong blow to the head, the protagonist of the story, Hank Morgan, is transported to the past. However, his knowledge of the technologies of the 19th century is also carried with him, so the past, present and future are mixed in this fascinating novel.

Through the pages of the book, readers will be placed in the sixth century and will be able to know first hand the court of King Arthur. A fantastic book to learn a little more about history and enjoy one of the most deeply-rooted branches of science fiction.

The time machine , another of the youth books to travel through time

Who has not ever imagined having a machine that could transport them to different moments? Almost all of us, at one time or another in our lives, of one age or another, have wanted to go back to a past time. On other occasions, we have dreamed of what will happen in the future.

Young boy reading one of the time travel books lying on the grass.

This time machine we are talking about is the main element of this book. Created by a scientist at the end of the 19th century, through its pages, we will see how this character is transported with the machine to know the future.

Will you like what your eyes will see? Or would you prefer not to have used the instrument? You will find the answer in the final pages of the curious book.

Ulysses Moore: The Door of Time

Two children full of curiosity are involved in a great adventure after being denied access to a door. However, curiosity gets the better of them and one day they decide to pass it on. From that moment, they will be involved in a mystery to discover the secret of Villa Argo, the place where they are.

A book full of intrigue, mystery, adventure and time travel through the door of the mansion where they are staying. A truly addictive story for young people.

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