Up To What Age Should The Baby Sleep In The Room With His Parents

For many parents, taking a baby into their own room is a very complex issue. What is the right time to do it?
Up to what age should the baby sleep in the room with his parents

Co-sleeping is an extremely common practice and it has its pros and cons. It is a consequence of the weakness of human nature; in fact, we are the most defenseless mammals at birth and the ones who require the care of our parents the longest.

That ancestral instinct makes children want to sleep with their parents; it is something that is in our genes. Although many say that babies are manipulative, the truth is that newborn babies have a deep need for protection and a natural instinct to be close to mom.

In addition, many mothers find it easier to sleep with the baby than to have to get up several times a night to care for it.

Among the few disadvantages of co-sleeping is the risk of crushing the baby at night when it is still too small. You can also list the fact that children get used to it and it is very difficult to get them out of our bed.

Even when?

If you have chosen to sleep with your baby, you may wonder how long it is healthy to do so? ¿ What is the best time to get the baby out of bed ? Unfortunately, we cannot give you a specific answer.

On the contrary, the moment will depend on the dynamics of each family and the individual characteristics of the baby. However, what is certain is that, if you can no longer sleep well or if this brings you relationship problems, you should start making space.

Something that has helped many couples is using a special crib, which is attached directly to our bed. You can also place your normal crib very close to the bed. Thus, the baby does not feel alone; It is protected, but it leaves us some space.

Co-sleeping, a debatable practice.

Ready to stop sleeping in the room with the parents?

An indication that he is ready is that he sleeps through the night in a row. If so, then it is very simple: what you should do is put it close and that’s it. There are exceptional babies who sleep many hours at a time from when they are very young, but they are a minority.

On the contrary, the most common is that they wake up to eat several times a night. Some claim that the sooner you sleep in your room, the better.

Sleeping in another room before 3 months is not healthy

This practice can be dangerous. The reason is that the level of brain stress that a child experiences when he feels abandoned is so high that he falls asleep because the brain secretes a large amount of ‘sedatives’ as neurological protection. In some cases, they can convulse.

That doesn’t mean that you should sleep with your baby for life or that you should feel guilty about the decision you make. However, it is important that we understand that it is normal for a baby to want to sleep with its parents.

You must always keep in mind that they are not programmed for today’s world, in which the mother, apart from being a mother, has a lot of responsibilities to carry out.

Get them out of your bed firmly, but with love

If you have an older child — over 3 years old — and you want to get him out of your bed, do it with love. Offer him a beautiful bed just for him; convince him that he is already a great; negotiate and stand firm. Don’t make it a disgrace to the child.

Nor should it happen that one of the parents intends to sleep eternally with the baby. Especially if the other bothers you. There must be room for privacy; the marital bed is a place of two and should be treated as such.

Many mothers doubt when their baby should stop sleeping in the room with their parents.

The best moment

So the best time is when you do a favor and not harm your child by taking him out of the room. If you get him out of the room the hard way, the baby will be left, he is weaker. He will fight, in the end he will give in and you will think you won. But how do you feel about the change? Are you generating anxiety and an anxious personality?

Being a parent is tiring, but the natural thing is that we are willing to respect their natural processes, which the most primitive animals do. The eagle does not send its young to fly before or after time because it knows the right moment.

Therefore, do not get carried away by social pressure: each child is different and deserves to be loved individually. The good news is that no matter how hard you try, your baby will get out of bed sooner or later, even if you don’t want to.

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