What Are The Real Causes Of Late Motherhood?

What are the real causes of late motherhood?

When being a mother is an option, there are several reasons why late motherhood occurs; It is believed that this fact is increasingly common, being Spanish women pioneers in postponing this moment. Currently, the average age to conceive by the Spanish community is 32 years, something that has been increasing in a period of about three decades.

The data on birth rates that appear periodically, have revealed that more and more women have maintained their decision not to be mothers for a long time, we know that it is a fact, but what are the real causes that cause this event? Could it have serious consequences for the population?

According to recent reports, there is evidence that the postponement of motherhood exceeds the personal interpretation of each woman. That is to say, in general it is not a decision where each one thinks of herself with suspicion, but rather a kind of social pressure that forces her to delay this matter.

According to the analysis of specialists on the subject, late motherhood constitutes a serious problem for the population, since birth rates decrease considerably. It is believed that in Spain, the low birth rate is alarming and seems to be a problem with no plans to be solved soon.

Another cause for concern is that after a certain age women may have more trouble getting pregnant, making fertility problems a sometimes permanent consequence. Apparently, 10% of women who undergo infertility treatments in an advanced age, do not achieve successful results.


No one could assure that it is an emotional conflict in today’s women, especially when the probable causes usually point towards factors of a social and economic nature mainly. Perhaps we can speak of a possible effect of social evolution that has been compromised by the lack of action to solve it.

How do women justify their late motherhood?

The majority of women of childbearing age who do not have children (one in four in Spain) mention among the main causes of their situation, a panorama that discourages them from becoming mothers because it delegates many responsibilities to them. The lack of personal commitment of the couple towards the care and maintenance of the child is one of the main reasons that motivate the conscious postponement of motherhood.

We can mention a small percentage of women who have tried unsuccessfully to be mothers, therefore, it is not considered an obvious cause. In this particular, we are not only referring to single women, we can also find stable partners who keep the arrival of children in their busy lives on hold.

Financial problems and the absence of public aid are among the factors that appear regularly as justification for late motherhood. Ironically, these causes are more likely to be solved with the right programs and the right care.

A woman who consciously delays her motherhood is to a great extent avoiding the complications related to this situation, as she is sure of the limitations that she will have in terms of work and professional matters. In addition, motherhood represents expenses and commitments that not everyone is in a position to afford ; especially, when the frequent separation of the father in this type of responsibilities is known.


For people whose main income comes from their job, losing it or risking it is not an option. A woman, who has climbed the ladder in the company and finally seems to have won the battle against men in the workplace, is not willing to lose what she has earned. In this sense, we understand that socially there is responsibility in the decision of women about their motherhood, since it means for them a setback in their progress and the loss of many freedoms.

Without legal impositions to have children as in other societies, Spanish women have been compromised by a social obligation to transcend their gender roles. Unfortunately, this could have serious consequences for society, since the adult population has increased, which continues to age without measures being taken to facilitate a better social context for motherhood.

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