What Is Sudden Aggressiveness In Children

What is sudden aggressiveness in the child

If you have children, perhaps you have seen the manifestation of a sudden aggressiveness in the child and do not know what it is due to or how it can be treated. Pay attention, because we bring you the details about this problem.

Sudden aggressiveness in the child

Well, this attitude could be a sign of dissatisfaction. Specifically, a response to this feeling. It would be a habitual behavior through which the little ones manifest dissatisfaction with a certain situation. This is the origin of sudden aggressiveness in the child.

If we observe this type of behavior, we will have to wonder what may be happening and causing this behavior in the little one. And it could be from the consequence that a child would no longer be watching television as much as he wants, to an absence of the love he needs.

Another reason why this sudden aggressiveness could appear in the child would be related to a possible feeling of threat. That is, that the boy feels threatened by something. For example, that there has been some kind of reaction that you did not like and that has puzzled you.

sudden aggressiveness in child 2

All these types of situations could provoke the following reactions:

  • On the one hand, verbal aggressions, through insults or out of tone with the parents.
  • Also lies in order to get rid of punishment.
  • In addition, they also resort to the use of tantrums to see if this will escape parental punishment or reprimand.

When does this aggressiveness appear

One of the moments in which this type of behavior usually appears is when the child is going to have a little brother. Perhaps a sense of displacement invades him that will make him act in this way and that minors feel removed from their role.

This behavior would be a way of trying to regain his position and his power. These types of attitudes are also frequent when visiting cousins ​​or friends who can attract some attention from the elderly.

How to respond to this attitude

Once you have detected the origin of the problem, it is convenient to know how to respond to this type of behavior. The key is to offer from understanding and firmness to an appropriate response to promote the education of children:

  • So understand what happens to the son. You will have to assess whether your little one is right to claim his needs and try to satisfy them or not. In the event that you consider that no, you should not give in to their whims and demands.
  • Try to calm him down. If you see that the child suddenly starts to get upset, you should try to calm him down. To do this, ask him to lower his voice and tell him not to continue that way or there may be consequences.
  • Keep firm. Keep in mind that the role of parents is to stand firm and never respond to whims by giving in to them. Otherwise, the child will see that if he behaves like this he gets what he wants.
  • Patience is another key. Avoiding losing the role and responding to these situations with nervous behaviors will not solve anything. As parents, we must remain calm at all times so that we can reprimand children in a calm way.

    Other data of interest

    You must bear in mind that children relate to others in the same way that their parents do. So if they see that you maintain a calm relationship with others, the boy will have the same behavior with his friends. But if the relationship is hostile, the kid will follow this attitude as well.

    sudden aggressiveness in the child

    On the other hand, you also have to be careful not to respond to aggressiveness with other aggressiveness. It is about social learning that occurs through aggressive behaviors. This can be translated into learning through imitation or observation of the behavior of these models. That is why it is so important that the child has and finds a good role model in his parents.

    Finally, do not forget that educating children is a task that requires time and dedication. Parents must try to reach a consensus so that the child’s education is not contradictory, and one does one thing and the other the opposite. If one parent allows everything and the other nothing, that will confuse the child, who will probably rebel with the one who does not consent.

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