What Sausages Can Be Eaten In Pregnancy?

Raw and cured sausages can contain toxoplasma in them, which is dangerous for the fetus. However, not everyone has this condition.
What sausages can be eaten in pregnancy?

Most pregnant women have the doubt of what sausages they can consume during the gestation period, if there are any that are allowed. It should be taken into account that some of these products have proven to be dangerous for the health of the fetus, due to the presence of microorganisms inside, such as toxoplasma.

It should be noted that during pregnancy you have to pay special attention to diet. It is appropriate to consult a professional to adjust the pattern to the nutritional needs of the moment. Thus, the good health of the mother and the optimal development of the fetus are ensured.

What are sausages?

First of all, we want to clarify what we mean when we talk about sausages. In this group we include all those edibles that have an animal origin and have been manipulated by the industry to obtain a longer shelf life.

Slices of cooked ham.

Normally, these are meats that are subjected to chemical or physical processes or the addition of substances to vary their organoleptic characteristics and allow them to remain unaltered for longer. As a general rule, its microbiological risk is low, although there are exceptions.

It should also be borne in mind that not all sausages have the same degree of processing or quality. Serrano ham, for example, has hardly been altered from a chemical point of view, it simply goes through a long curing process.

However, chorizo ​​has additives in its composition that can make it dangerous for health in the medium term. One of them is nitrites, which have been shown to be harmful.

Can pregnant women eat sausages?

Whether or not women can consume sausages during pregnancy depends fundamentally on the result of the toxotest. This detecting whether or not there is a risk of developing toxoplasmosis, a pathology that is not very harmful for adult subjects, but capable of putting the life of the fetus at risk.

If a positive test result is obtained and the woman has already overcome the disease in the past, she can eat any type of sausage without any problem. However, this consumption must be done in moderation, since, as we have mentioned, not all sausages have a high nutritional quality. Many have negative trans fats inside.

If the test result is negative, the consumption of raw or cured sausages should be avoided, as these could contain the toxoplasma microorganism. This is stated by a study published in Risk Analysis . With this slogan we refer to the Serrano ham, the chorizo, the cured loin …

In this situation, only sausages that have undergone a previous cooking process, such as cooked ham, York ham, turkey breast or mortadella, could be included in the diet.

How much sausage can be consumed in the diet?

When we talk about a healthy diet, we usually insist on the need for variety among the foods that are included in the guideline. For this reason, cold cuts should not be completely restricted.

In any case, it is important to moderate their consumption, since many of them do not have a high nutritional quality. The most recommended of all of them, for women with negative toxoplasma, is cooked ham. Even turkey breast is also a good option. They do have certain additives, but are low in simple sugars and trans fats. They are a source of protein that can complete the daily needs.

Pregnant woman in the medical consultation to know the result of the toxotest

Ideally, these edibles should not appear in the diet more than 2 or 3 times a week. Thus, it is ensured that the intake of preservatives will not be excessive, but it is possible to enjoy at the same time their flavor, their practicality and the protein content they present.

If you are pregnant, watch the consumption of sausages

As you have seen, not all pregnant women can consume sausages without worry. In case of doubt or that there is a negative toxotest, it should be reduced only to those that have passed a thermal process. Thus, the absence of microorganisms inside is ensured, safeguarding the health of the fetus.

Even so, do not forget that the diet must be composed mainly of fresh food. Industrial processes can be included on specific occasions, but they should not be predominant in a balanced diet. If you have any further questions, contact a professional to perfectly adjust the diet to your individual needs.

Food neophobia

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