What Will Be The First Word Of My Baby, Dad Or Mom?

It is not possible to determine what the first word of a baby will be. However, some words play an advantage for various reasons. Find out.
What will be the first word of my baby, dad or mom?

One of the moments most longed for by parents is that their baby finally says his first word. We wonder what it is, but we wish it was Mom even though we also teach it to say Dad. There are many words that the baby can understand from birth, at least he knows their sound and the sounds that make up mother’s speech.

Your baby’s first word is likely mom or dad, because that’s what we usually teach them to say. But it can also be anything that has to do with your diet, the names of the people around you, or something you hear frequently. Sometimes it is common for us to repeat the name of a pet or another child in the house.

However, from a linguistic point of view, there are words that are easier to execute by the organs involved in the production of speech. It is likely that the child can only repeat that word that his body is willing to produce. Well, many of them will cost you or will not be executed in the correct way.

“Dad” is most common as a baby’s first word

Perhaps we see with surprise and in general with jealousy that his first word is dad. It even sounds unfair when we consider everything we’ve done for him, but we tell you it’s not his fault. Between the words “dad” and “mom”, the first is somewhat easier to produce by our body than the second.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of speech. In this particular, he explains that to produce elements of the phonic chain (words) it is necessary to set several organs in motion at the same time. According to studies, open vowels such as / a / and nasal consonants such as / m /, / n / and / ñ / are the most complicated for the body.

Dad or mom?

In this sense, for a baby who is just learning to use his system, the word “mom” could cost much more than “dad.” Well, the pronunciation of the latter is considered one of the simplest in Spanish speech. So even if the child catches you saying mom perfectly, they may have to do more.

The repetition of syllables is also very common in the baby’s production of sounds, that is why the most common words tend to be in this style: “papa”, “mama”, “tete”, “dada”, “tata”. It is difficult for a baby to introduce more complex phonemes such as / r / or / z / in his first words; but there is no guarantee, even though it is universally believed that similar sounds are likely to be found.

What do babies talk about?

That a baby begins to say his first words around six months does not imply that he has not previously tried or that he was not familiar with them. Even when the child cannot express his emotions with words, it is a fact that his lexical structure is being formed within himself.


Language itself is an abstract element found in our brain ready to interpret, express and analyze linguistic structures. When a baby is encouraged to speak for the first time, he must have rehearsed that he can do it. Inside your brain are the necessary structures and you have activated your organs of phonetic production.

As for the meaning, many things we say in front of babies may not understand them, but they do recognize their sound. We know that they quickly learn the meaning of “no” and that they are aware of what “tete” or “water” is. So you debut with words you’ve heard, they’re easy to pronounce, and you know they will have an effect on others.

Since they are very young, we take care of asking them to repeat “mom”, so even if he is not very clear about what it means, he knows that his mother is asking him to say it since he was born. Babies talk about things in their environment, use words to refer to objects they see and point to. They are usually nouns related to your daily life.

Ultimately, it is not possible to determine for sure what your baby’s first word will be. But whatever it is, it is sure to be a delightful experience to hear you pronounce it.

Baby's first words: influencing factors

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