When I Grow Up I Will Be … Book On Professions

“When I grow up I want to be …”, a fantastic book to treat one of the funniest topics for children.
When I grow up I'll be ... Book about the professions

One of the questions most often asked of children when they are young and until they choose where to direct their working life is: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” When they are still very young, children fantasize about being hundreds of different things : footballers, astronauts, dancers or teachers are some of the professions that usually attract the most attention.

However, no one imagines the vast number of possibilities they will have to choose from when it comes time to decide on their future. To learn a little more about the world of professions and for children to learn about other less well-known jobs, below, we show you the book of professions.

Book about professions

From the hand of the Combel publishing house, one of the most prominent in the world of children’s and young people’s literature, we find this fantastic book about professions. Its small and cardboard format  make it optimal for the children themselves to discover their interior and enjoy it in their own way.

In the form of riddles and rhymes, children over the age of three, for whom the book is recommended, will enjoy learning more about the book in their hands.

Children dressed up in the uniforms of different professions.

Structure of the book

Although, as we said before, the book is recommended for children from three years old, it can be used both with those who are younger and older. For the youngest, the attention will focus on the different illustrations, while the older ones, and those who are already starting in the world of reading, will be able to use the texts as support.

At the beginning of the book, and with a lot of musicality and rhythm, the little ones will discover that, afterwards, they will have a series of professions to discover. And the most important of all is that all of them are equally important for the world to function normally.

From that moment on, each of the double pages of the book is dedicated to a different profession. However, the book becomes a game for young readers, since it will be they themselves who will have to discover the profession that is included.

And how will they find out? From a small text in the form of a rhyme that describes the characteristics related to the profession. This text, and how could it be otherwise, is accompanied by a series of illustrations also related to objects or elements that are used in that profession. Once the child has read and discovered the profession, he will have to lift the flap to find out if his answer is correct or not.

The book repeats its structure in the ten professions it includes. These professions are the following:

  • Medical
  • Athlete.
  • Vet.
  • Programmer.
  • Firefighter.
  • Cocinera.
  • Musician.
  • Scientific researcher.
  • Farmer.
  • Aviation pilot.

Equality in the book on professions

As you can see in the aforementioned professions found in the book, equality is present at all times, since five of the professions are taught by girls while the other five are taught by boys.

Drawing of children representing the different professions that appear in the book.

In addition, professions such as programming or research, so far more related to the male sector, are chosen by girls , thus demonstrating the breakdown of stereotypes.

In this way, Combel makes it clear that both boys and girls can become whatever they want, regardless of their gender.

A book that will appeal to all audiences

This book on professions will delight both adults and children as, in addition to the fun of its illustrations, children will learn new vocabulary and will be able to solve riddles using their ingenuity and imagination.

In addition, it is an ideal book to start a conversation with the little ones and for them to practice oral presentation through questions related to the book, such as, for example, being interested in whether they like that profession or the reasons why.

Another use that can be given to this book, once we have enjoyed its reading and subsequent conversation about the professions, is to carry out activities related to it. For example, to encourage the imagination of the little ones, we can create with them a drawing about their ideal profession or about the one they liked the most among the ten that are presented in the book.

In addition, there are several objects that are included in its pages, so vocabulary games are a great tool.

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