Why A Cardboard Box Is More Important Than A Toy For Children

When you give a child an empty cardboard box, their imagination and creativity start to fly!
Why a cardboard box is more important than a toy in children

Have your children ever preferred to play with the cardboard box that came with a toy that they have been given as a gift? That is good! We are going to explain why a cardboard box is more important than a toy in children.

If you give cardboard boxes to your children, you will see that, almost by magic, they begin to play with them as if they were the best gift in the world, and that is that their imagination and creativity have just been multiplied by 10 in just a few seconds.

Many children prefer cardboard boxes to fully enjoy their creativity, since they love to mold, shape and play with them in multiple ways. And that excites us parents! We love to see how they invent and have fun with an object that seems to have come out of nowhere!

The options with a cardboard box are unlimited

We are going to tell you some reasons why your child is more than likely to want a cardboard box before other toys and you will like to discover them. If you have cardboard boxes at home and your children are bored with toys, you just have to take them out, give them to them and wait to see how the magic of creativity works.

Father and daughter surrounded by cardboard boxes.

They can spend hours and hours with a box, be it painting it, devising ways to play with it, creating new things for their own entertainment… It is much better than leaving them a screen, even if you put educational games on them. Children need that innate imagination they have to really enjoy an entertaining activity.

If the box is very large, like that of a washing machine or a television, all the better! They can go inside, create slides for their very big and steep toy cars, they can create their own little house… The options are limitless!

It’s a great free game!

If you are a mother or father of young children, it is more than likely that you know what we are talking about. A box for a child is like a blank canvas for a painter; there are no limits! It is a box that gives you many possibilities to create and to enjoy through free play, without rules and without adult control.

Don’t put limits on her creativity and let her enjoy her childhood with her cardboard boxes, if that’s what she likes. This allows you to have a creative and open mind and, although it does not show it in other aspects of your life, if you like to play with boxes, then your creativity continues to work perfectly.

Why does your child prefer the cardboard box?

It is a way to investigate, learn and have fun. If it is necessary to provide him with the materials he needs to mold it, it may be a good initiative on your part. But then let him transform it to his liking to play. Your imagination will be activated and, therefore, also your learning. They will improve your coordination and also your self-confidence.

Some of the reasons why your child may prefer a cardboard box to a toy may include the following:

  • A cardboard box gives you unlimited entertainment possibilities. Your creativity decides!
  • It has bright colors that you may like, and if it is brown, you can paint it with fun paints.
  • You have no instructions or anything that requires you to follow a few steps ; feel free to do whatever you want with the box for fun
  • It is a way of investigating to create new forms.
  • He unleashes his imagination and he likes that, even if he can’t explain it.
  • He makes noise and enjoys how all his senses are entertained thanks to his own creativity and imagination.
    Child playing with a cardboard box on the move.

Don’t miss the boxes!

From now on, feel free to put away the boxes you have at home, even the toy boxes. Later, when your kids are bored, don’t give them your tablet or put screens on them. The best thing to do is give them an empty box and allow them to enjoy creating new things.

Now that you know why a cardboard box is more important than a toy in children, you can also enjoy creating and playing with empty boxes with them! You will be amazed at everything you will learn from your children in a while with them.

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