Why Do Children Ask For Water When They Go To Bed?

The fact that the child asks for water before sleeping may respond to a need greater than hydration. It is important to satisfy this desire and pay enough attention to it.
Why do children ask for water when they go to bed?

Surely you have suffered thousands of nights with one of your children. Has it never happened to you that just when your child is ready to sleep, he remembers to ask for one of his ‘imperative favors’? One of the most common situations in this regard occurs when children ask for water when they go to bed.

Many parents end up losing patience as soon as this circumstance arises. Many others fail to reveal the mystery behind this annoying, insistent and curious situation. Now, why does it happen to us every night during our children’s infancy? 

When children ask for water before bed

Every time kids ask for water just before resting, you think they just forgot to drink during the day. Then, suddenly you come across a detail that is striking to you: the little one is limited to consuming only a minimum sip.

It is there that the imagination of worried or angry parents begins to fly in search of possible explanations for this curious phenomenon. Is it manipulation? Do you want to show me your power? Will I be your puppet But don’t worry, all the hypotheses point to a mere wake-up call.

However, the reality is that children are not capable of performing acts of this magnitude. That is to say, such intentional and complex acts. Therefore, it is also not feasible that it simply seeks to exhaust your patience. It is also time to discard these erroneous alternatives that go through your mind.

Many parents will associate this request with the desire to spend at least one more time enjoying our company. But, if we consider the time it takes to drink that tiny amount of water, that theory loses all its weight. In that brief interval , the company time that the minor wishes would not be shared.

Nina wakes up in bed wearing blue pajamas

So why do children ask for water in bed?

Children ask for water just when they are ready to sleep, and just when we want to relax after a long and hard day. Don’t be overwhelmed or lose your cool.  The real reason behind this typical nighttime situation is more complex than you might imagine.

In reality, with that simple but perhaps somewhat inopportune request, they are asking you for something else. They basically need to know that they are counting on you no matter what, unconditionally. They need you, they measure you. They want to feel that they are not alone in case they need you at night.

They know that if you call Mom or Dad, they will go to protect you. Reassures, gives extreme confidence. Younger children depend a lot on their parents, and even more so in the night darkness that so frightens them.

For this reason, your child wants to see that his loving parents will take care of him. You can blindly trust them in the face of any inconvenience.  What is at stake here, then, is not your patience but rather your ability to answer his call, to comfort and consent.

Having children does not make you a father, just as having a piano does not make you a pianist.

-Michael Levine-

Something more than thirst

Boy sleeping with blue t-shirt

To deal with this situation, you have to take it easy, patience and, above all, a lot of love. That is ultimately what every child requires. Therein lies your success as parents, and the key to your happiness.

It is not about thirst, nor is it annoyance, nor is it manipulation or malice. That act goes much further than that. The glass of water is nothing more than a mere pretext. Sometimes it may even be true, but most of the time it is about another need. A lack of an affective, emotional nature.

The last hug or an extra sweet kiss. To be wrapped in a caress, to feel the warmth of the parents.  Our children just want to know that we are available to them. They want to feel trustworthy, loyal at all costs. The comforting and positive thing about this situation is that it will not last a lifetime.

That is why it is so important to enjoy even these episodes that usually drive us crazy. After all, sooner rather than later, you will end up missing this golden and dreamy stage. As you can see, it is only about understanding the child so as not to waste energy getting angry and invest our time in giving all our love. In any case, never forget that ensuring a good hydration status in your child has proven to be essential.

Finally, think that it is important to avoid offering soda when the child asks for water. According to a study published in Nutrients , these types of drinks increase the risk of cardiovascular problems during adulthood.

Request for water before bed, something more than thirst

As you have seen, the fact that your child asks for water before bed may respond to a reason that goes beyond thirst itself. You need to be patient and respond to this request, as it can have a positive impact on your future behavior.

How much water does a child need to drink?

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