Why Does My Baby Always Wake Up Crying?

If getting up during the night to take care of your little one who woke up crying is common, you should identify the causes and apply corrections in time before bad sleep brings complications.
Why does my baby always wake up crying?

There are many new mothers who must get up during the night to attend to a restless little one. So the question ‘why does my baby always wake up crying?’ it is more than normal, and has several answers.

Babies have a deep sleep state — called REM — that is short. For this reason, most of the hours are spent in superficial phases —called Non-REM—, a primitive survival mechanism in the face of any dangerous change.

The baby’s temperament and habits can also influence the way he sleeps. Although some become more predictable in their rest schedule over time, others are not as lucky.

Generally, after 3 months, babies will be ready to get several hours of sleep without crying out of hunger. If that doesn’t happen, there may be some discomfort, either in relation to the environment or your physical condition.

The reasons why they wake up at night can be very varied. Parents will learn over time to recognize the needs behind their baby’s cry. However, we can educate ourselves about the most common ones.

Why does my baby always wake up crying?

Crying is babies ‘way of getting their parents’ attention. Faced with any desire or need, that is their natural reaction to seek contact with mom or dad and feel safe. If you are one of those who the phrase “my baby always wakes up crying” sounds like an everyday thing, pay attention to the most common reasons for it so that you can find a practical and quick solution.

What to do to calm the baby?

The separation

The little ones do not know that they are in a safe place. Waking up away from maternal warmth makes them become alert and desperately seek Mommy’s protection. That is why, when for some reason they realize that they are far from their parents, they immediately wake up and cry.

Daily routines with long periods of sleep

If children spend a lot of time asleep during the day, they will feel less tired at night. This will keep them active when they should be most relaxed to fall asleep. At the end of the day, they will want their parents’ attention, and not getting it the way they want, then they will cry about it.

Baby eats every time he cries

During the day, your stomach has become used to receiving food constantly and in few portions without a fixed schedule. Therefore, at night he will cry to claim food, as he hopes to continue with his eating routine.

Make sure that the food rations at the end of the day are enough so that he can rest fully without feeling hungry, and gradually adjust the time intervals between one feeding and another.

Diaper change at night

If the baby is used to changing the slightest hint of moisture in the diaper, overnight will not be the exception. Feeling a little uncomfortable about it, without even letting the absorbent material do its job, the child will wake up and cry to restore their sense of comfort.

A question repeated by many parents: Is it good or bad to let the baby cry?

What should I do if my baby always wakes up crying?

The first thing to remember is that, if he wakes up crying, we must provide him with a calm environment so that he can fall asleep. It is a mistake to look for toys or other items to entertain him; at night we must concentrate our efforts on creating the habit of sleeping correctly.

It is important not to take him in your arms, or play games when you see him smile when he is happy to see you because, that would reveal him completely. Enter the room slowly, speak to her in a low voice and gently pat her head; seeks to relax you and help you to sleep again.

Once verified that there is nothing serious behind the crying, we must leave the room. Do not make the mistake of sleeping there or taking the baby to your bed.

The main cause of a baby waking up crying is not having the correct sleep habits, so you should review your practices around this issue and correct what is necessary so that both you and your child have a good rest. Remember that its growth depends largely on it.

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