Why Is It Good To Teach Children To Read Before Bed?

With all its advantages, reading is installed as an unavoidable moment for parents and children to enjoy together. These minutes of relaxation can have great results, especially at night.
Why is it good to teach children to read before bed?

Taking the time at the end of the day to get closer to our children, take a book and read it with them is a magical practice. This simple act encourages love, the habit of sharing moments and learning for the little ones at home.

Reading has many cognitive benefits, not only for children but also for parents. This practice, when it becomes a habit, serves to participate in one of the most important moments of the children’s day, which is rest.

We can get a lot out of it if we want our baby to begin to obtain more knowledge that they favor in their daily life. When a story is read before bedtime, in addition to strengthening the bond between parents and children, we help the development of their brain, enhance memory and give the body a moment of relaxation.

Another benefit of teaching children to read before bed is that it encourages verbal communication. Logical abilities are also reinforced and we would be, on the other hand, reducing anxiety levels, which prevent them from achieving a restful sleep.

Lastly, reading to children at night stimulates language and vocabulary management ; speech develops more quickly.

Benefits of teaching children to read before bed

When we begin to teach our children to read, we are fostering excellent practice in them. As time goes by, they will begin to do it on their own; which will offer them greater cultural and literary knowledge, among other topics.

We can also list the following advantages of transmitting reading to children:

Improve relationship

Since it is the parents who take this initiative, one of its main benefits is that the bond between parents and children is strengthened and the connection is stronger.

Teaching children to read before bed enhances the results of this activity.

Expand the language

When the children read and listen to the stories we tell them, we work with them on their command of the language. This is because, when they hear us vocalize, their neuronal connections responsible for sounds and language in the auditory cortex are stimulated.

It is important to get stories with rich and varied language ; Over time, we will see how they improve their vocabulary little by little.

The books show children figures and images that bring them closer to those objects that are outside their direct environment. Also, stimulating your imagination will allow you to include new words in the list that you store in your brain.

Develops a sense of logic and memory

Although it is a bit tiresome to read the same book several times, it is vitally important for the child to begin to have a sense of logic and sequence.

This significantly improves your memory and retentive capacity; In addition, the ability to anticipate is exercised without the need to look at the other page. In this way, the child’s mental capacity is stimulated.

On the other hand, teaching reading at this time of day helps improve your logical ability and lowers stress levels.

The habit of reading is created

Another result we will see from teaching children to read before bed is that, over time, they will start to get into the habit of reading on their own.

This fact will be a clear example of the knowledge you have acquired and the development of reading comprehension skills. At this point, it is time to start looking for a little deeper reading, but without overdoing it.

Reading at night can be a great habit for children.

Stimulate the imagination

When we put the child to read stories or fantasy stories, we will open their imagination and their ability to create. From now on, you will compose a profile of what it is that you like.

For example, if you want to be a doctor, actor, artist, musician, among thousands of other professions. Through creativity, he will begin to show a taste for some activity that, in the long run, may be his future.

We must ensure that the material we are going to choose for our children’s reading has happy endings. With this detail, we will facilitate them to have a deep and restful sleep. When you wake up the next day, you will be in a better mood and ready to go to school with your senses alert to learn.

Finally, it is worth noting that teaching children to read before bed will help them understand and function better in areas such as music, science and mathematics. This is a direct consequence of all the advantages that we mentioned previously.

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