Why Isn’t My Son Studying? 6 Reasons

Not always the fact that a child does not study is related to lack of interest or neglect. Sometimes, under the demotivation, undetected elements may underlie that could require professional intervention.
Why isn't my son studying?  6 reasons

“Why isn’t my son studying?”  This is a question that many parents ask themselves. Are you lazy? Don’t have the ability to concentrate? Could you give more, but entertain yourself with anything?

All these questions we ask ourselves go through the minds of many parents. Many of us think that our children, when they do not study as much as we think they should, are not motivated and prefer to do other more playful activities.

However, have you ever stopped to think that the problem could go beyond that the child prefers to play or does not have fun studying? Why isn’t the little one motivated? Although each develops at its own pace, sometimes, there are underlying problems more serious than we imagine.

Why isn’t my son studying?

Although, on occasions, it is possible that the child has too much entertainment and these make it easier for him to lose concentration and real focus, the educational psychologist Borja Quicios warns that there are multiple other reasons that could cause the real problem to be overlooked.

Boy trying to study.

Although it is very important to motivate children, it is also important to observe them, in case we find a hidden problem that is really causing the child’s delay in their studies.

Therefore, Quicios and other specialists provide a list of conditions and problems that could be at the origin of the child’s under-motivation and his inability to study at the same level as his peers. Some of the most common are

  1. Learning difficulties : They are not that strange. The child could suffer some problem, such as retentive disability, color blindness, dyslalia, dyslexia …
  2. Developmental problems : sometimes, developmental problems are observed that prevent them from facing certain academic subjects.
  3. Low self-esteem : it is one of the most difficult problems to detect. When we do not understand why our child does not study, it may be because he feels inferior to others and does not have the appropriate tools to know that this is not true. However, the lack of interest in class is one of the ways in which it presents itself.
  4. Problems in the family : problems in the family affect children a lot. Separations, jealousy between siblings, illness …
  5. Bullying : a very serious problem that can lead to very serious issues in the short, medium and long term. If the child is bullied at school, the situation will generate sadness, fear, apathy, difficulties in development, etc.
  6. Insufficient motivation – This is the most common problem. Children are sometimes overstimulated and do not find sufficient reason in learning and study. They see it as boring and unnecessary.

How we motivate the child

That said, remember, if you ask yourself “why isn’t my son studying?” The first thing to do is to check that it is not due to a health problem or, in a way, external to their abilities, as we have observed so far.

Have you ever wondered why your child doesn't study?

If your child shows that his circumstances are perfectly normal, then it is time to motivate him to find an incentive in his studies that encourages him to improve. How? Here are some tips:

  • Awards : It’s not about giving away a toy every time you approve of something. You can exchange physical details with other emotional ones. That is, more positive reinforcement and less punishment, but it should not be abused; this point is important.
  • Involvement : it is interesting that parents get involved in their children’s affairs. Be careful, it is not doing it for them, it is showing interest and giving support.
  • Expectations : let’s not overturn our expectations on our children or force them to reach hard-to-reach goals. You have to let the little ones follow their rhythm according to their real abilities.
  • Abolish boredom : it is best to encourage the child’s curiosity and boost his imagination and development.
  • Promote their social environment : it is important that the little one enjoys a suitable and motivating social environment among family, friends, hobbies , the enjoyment of free time, the practice of sports, etc. Thus, stress is released.
  • Help and advice : you should not abuse positive reinforcement, or force learning or do homework for the little one.

    So why isn’t my son studying?

    If you keep wondering why your child is not studying, keep these reasons in mind and get to work to solve the matter as soon as possible. Thus, everyone will enjoy a healthier, more balanced and motivating environment.

    Ideas for children to get into the habit of studying

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