Why Reading Is Important

Reading, whatever the moment, is always a great ally and brings numerous benefits on a psychological and emotional level. We tell you the reasons in this article.
Why is reading important?

Among the many activities and tasks that we seek to do to be entertained in those moments that we have free to distract ourselves, it is important to keep  reading in mind , as it can be an excellent and healthy option.

The benefits of reading

We start from the basis that reading and cultivating the habit of reading is extremely important always, from an early age, since reading brings us many benefits and, in addition, it can help us better cope with boredom.

Thus, among the many benefits that reading has, we can mention:

  • Increase our knowledge, information and culture.
  • Exercises the brain, prevents cognitive degeneration, and helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
  • It favors reasoning ability, concentration and memory.
  • Stimulates the imagination.
    Mother and daughters reading a book because reading is very important during quarantine.
  • Develops communication skills, because it improves syntax and grammar, and helps expand vocabulary.
  • Stimulates perception.
  • Increase our curiosity.
  • Develop emotions and social skills, such as empathy.

Why is reading important?

Reading is very healthy on a cognitive level, but also on a psychological and emotional level. On a psychological level, it helps us in shaping our personality from knowledge and identification with other people, and how they act in other contexts or realities.

In addition, on a psychological level, reading is of great help in the face of loneliness, since it becomes a real company for people who are or feel alone.

On an emotional level, reading allows us to simulate and, therefore, experience other people’s life situations and, with this, know, understand and empathize with other feelings and sensations. This is of great help to be able to make more complex our points of view and opinions regarding emotions and moods, both our own and those of others.

With which, at the level of the development of our brain and our ability to learn, the benefits of reading are undeniable. But, in addition, we must not forget those other benefits that reading brings in the development of our character and at the level of our emotions and state of mind.

Thus, spending a few hours a day reading, choosing a quiet corner with a good light, is very positive. Surely, letting yourself be carried away by a good reading entertains, relaxes, serene  and helps us to avoid ourselves if, for any reason, our day It has not gone as well as we expected.

Boy reading a book lying on the floor during quarantine.

Reading as a company and a hobby

Finding a good book to read, whether on paper or digital, is to find an excellent company anytime, anywhere. Getting carried away by reading a book is an ideal hobby that will take us to different worlds, people and experiences. And it will take us away from the daily routine and monotony of those days when nothing seems to go quite right or when we are looking forward to getting home and taking time to spend time with ourselves.

With which, as we have said, one of the objectives of reading may be to evade or  read to deepen and learn more about a topic that interests us. And, in this case, reading is also very welcome, not only as entertainment, but also as a way of learning.

Reading is important

So, now and always, we must shout from the rooftops: “Thank you, dear reading!” . We have to thank reading because it brings us great benefits at the level of our brain and cognition, and is a pleasant and loyal companion to spend our time. And because, in addition, reading helps us to think and develop critical thinking.

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